Tuesday, May 15, 2012


The biggest challenge for getting 5 days off from work is... my 6 meals a day!

We share a car, hubby drives to work, I am left alone at home, nowhere to get food!!!  So I decided to buy some raw and store in fridge.

We went to Jusco for a short shopping trip after dinner.  We bought dairies, juices and greens with a hope that I'd at least have the spirit and strength to cook for lunch.

Let's see what my meal plans are:
Breakfast - Fried egg, sandwich ham, bread with butter/tuna or cereal with milk.
Brunch - Milo, cream crackers.
Lunch - Rice with one dish.
Tea Time - Milo/juice, bread/cream crackers or cereal with milk.
Dinner - Eat out with hubby.
Supper - Anything!!!

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