Monday, June 29, 2009


wHaT's Up 4 ToDaY?

i used to have this in my mind - i wanna accept JESUS CHRIST starting from (a date) - this could make me easier to remember the 'anniversary'. **i wonder what in the world made me have this kinda thinking ;p**

why must be (a date)?

after a deep thought of it, i think should be ME to discourage my ownself. i'm afraid that i may not be a good christian. i may not know how to talk to HIM / say HIS prayers. i may not do the morning / evening prayers or i may not pray before my meal. i may not know how to sing for HIM. i may not read the bible. i may not go to the church.

i may be no one, i may be nothing in the end.
i may not know HIM at all in the end.

but without stepping forward to get to know HIM, to accept HIM into my life, who am I to tell myself that i'm not a good christian, not knowing how to sing praises to HIM, say HIS prayers, read the bible and arrange for service?

right here, right now...

"Jesus, I want to know you. I want you to come into my life. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sin so that I could be fully accepted by you. Only you can give me the power to change and become the person you created me to be. Thank you for forgiving me and giving me eternal life with God. I give my life to you. Please do with it as you wish. Amen."

i have once asked JESUS CHRIST into my life. i opened the door for HIM. but i left. i betrayed HIM. i always asked for HIS help whenever i'm in trouble. but i never pray to HIM during my good days. i never visited a church. i never sang praises to HIM. never have been a thankful person. and yet, HE is always with me, helping me all the way and again and again HE proves HIS existence. i sincerely thank GOD that HE never, not even once, left me alone.

DeAr GOD, ThanK yOu fOr yOur EncOurAgeMent - i'm now LeaRniNg hoW to talk 2 U in thE moRninG & eVeNing praYers. i'M Now LeaRninG hOw to Read The BiBle, Get To kNow yOur woRDs and WiLLs. i'm Now aRRanGing for sunDaY SerVicE. i'm Now LearNing hoW to ServE yOu. May YoU conTiNUe to GuiDe & teAch mE AloNg mY GroWth in ChriStiAnity.

i know HIM more bcos i once left HIM.
i want to know HIM more bcos i have come back to HIM.
ch33Fai - thAnk yOu foR seNdinG me beAutiFul QuoTes and thE woRds of FaitH tHRu IM & sMseS.
wenDy - THanK yOU foR alwAys shAriNg tHe woRdS of WiSdoM.
huBBy - thAnk yOu for BuYinG mE the RouTer. Now I CaN go OnLinE ez-Ly.

ThAnk U EvErYOne. I LoVe eaCh
aNd EvEryOne of U

Friday, June 26, 2009


Condolences to the Jackson's family for the loss of the
Legendary Michael Jackson

~May You Rest In Peace~

Saturday, June 20, 2009

'tHe ChiCkEn RicE sHop~~~'

wHaT's Up 4 ToDaY?

wHaT toEat? WhAt To eAt?
wHeRe tO EAt?
The ChiCkeN RicE ShOpppp~~~
4 brains;
1 main actor;
1 main actress;
no suggestion!!
HoW cAn ThIs Be?
@@ThEy BaNnEd ALL
OuR sUggEsTiOnS@@
a. chinese food - clam in soup / bak kut teh :l
b. thai food - sour + spicy :x
c. japanese / korean / balinese / western food /
vietnamese - aiya... not nice-lah. dun wan-lah... watz so nice-woh ._."'
i really beh-tahan the 3rd one - they haven't any of the these food and they have rejected all of them!!!
IsN't ThiS tHe CoRReCt SoNg tO siNg?
CoMe'oN eVeRyBoDy!!
SinG aLong wiTh Me!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

tESt ReSuLts

1. sOmeThIng vEry TruE - BuT hOw ManY pPL tHInk iN THat Way? THink... mayBe, Do... thInk, ThInk, ThInk FirSt, MusT ThiNk cAreFuLLy tHEn OnLY dO, caNNOt SimPLy Do.

WhY NoT? WiThOuT mAkiNg a MovE, U'll nEvEr finD Out tHat U caN ActUallY do It.

2. YoH, ThiS is 'TerriFyingLy' trUe, maN! ThiS iS me. I'm LookIng / FinDing / SorTing wHat KinDa pErsoN I am aLL thIs wHile. nEvEr tHOughT oF mYselF appeaRing in thAt grAph. iT reflects Me '100%-Ly'

It alSo saYs tHat I'm NOT suItabLe fOr tHe jOb, raTed too Much @ AR. ShouLd hAve BeeN a 'KepoH-chI' iN PR. HaHaHa~~~

3. NoThinG's TheRe to ProvE thAt my BraiN is WorKing EffeCtiveLy & eFFicIEntLy. I'M HaVing an ExTra oRdiNary, SimPLe brAin WiTh miNiMum uSage.

in ShoRt, I'm SIAO~~ BLAH @#$%^&*

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

word search

wHaT's Up 4 ToDaY?

jz came back frm office, it has been a long long day.


but i can't help thinkin' abt my little word search book - it's amelie's, i 'stole' it frm my cheras home last week. kinda addicted to it. it wastes time actually but it kills my boredom at the same time.


today marks my day as it's gonna be my first day reading the 'daily bread' - a gift frm chee fai. it's kinda exciting, yet afraid that i'll give up somewhere, somehow in the middle of my christianity journey. i've betrayed HIM once and i'm not gonna repeat the same thing.

have been doing quiet time with GOD quite often recently. truthfully saying, i can feel HIS strength, IT lifted me up a little, when i was extremely depressed and lost hope on evything, even on the one that i claim i love the most.

HE teaches me LOVE in some other ways than what i thought i knew:

~love is hope - to see things better and not to hoping someone to change for us.

~love is forgiveful & forgetful - i thought i'm f&f but i wasn't all this while. it's time for me to start learning. i'm sure, it'd be sthing beautiful awaiting for me when i reach there.

~love is compromise & acceptance - accept one in a whole - no one's perfect. emphasize on the goods and take in the bads.

~love is appreciation - there must be a reason GOD sends us our one. appreciate the gift frm GOD.

~love is word, work and smile - talk things over, work things out and smile for the results.

praise the LORD for the lessons.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

sCaVenGer HunT

just came back frm a 2D1N team building camp @ kuala lipis-bentong. we left for the camp @ arnd 3pm frm office to kuala lipis. the journey took abt 3 hrs, immediately we checked-in to our hotel rooms and headed for a 'so-called' BBQ dinner and we attended a classroom training shortly after the dinner (erm... i shall share with u later on the lessons i learned frm the training. i've learned a lot frm the tests and they are seem so true abt me!!!).

david, the trainer (aka the joker) with his common words like 'interesting, huh?!' & 'does it make sense?', sensible, realistic and mindful jokes, made the training a memorably crazy one for everyone of us. we enjoyed so much, every little moment of the training. the room was filled with tears of laughter, craze, joy, hot music & dance etc... - POS, pls imagine L doing the sexy dance. kakaka...~~~!!! i bet, max entertainment, man!!!

that was yesterday's night... today, we went through an adventurous and tiring day - the scavenger hunt. we actually needed to scout for hidden materials for the cookout @ the waterfall. we searched all over the place, frm up the hill to down the river. we got ourselves wet-n-dry-n-wet-n-dry... i lost count of how many times this circle happened. haha~~~

the best best part was the 4x4 wd journey. the drive was mad & crazy, yet we enjoyed it so much!!! very much!!! the drivers were friendly, humorous and experienced. we were standing behind the jeep, shouting and yelling like mad ppl - overcoming our fear while riding in old fashioned looking jeeps yet equiped with evo & silica engines, going up the hills and going down the rivers. i tell u ar... this is really crazy *sweat & faint*

we reached the waterfall after a hunt and 4x4 wd drive of abt 3 hrs. erm... let's cut short on the cookout. u wouldn't want to know how we came out with the food but we finished almost everything after going through a starving morning.

overall, i'd rate this 95 points. the -5 would be the cookout, most probably. it wasn't s'thing interesting to do *yawn*

whoever is interested to organize one on own expense, please feel free to contact the bridge ICD at the below link - free advertisement as i really want to recommend this outing to u.

happy & enjoy viewing!!

p/s: dear god, thank you for bringing us to the trip, arriving and reaching home safely. thank you for all the joy and laughter during the get-together. may everyone feels the same, happy with
blessed trip. thank you for introducing me to this big family, bunch of colleagues and i believe in U, eventually we will be good friends. thank you for inspiring me, helping me realising the true-self within me, through U and the training. may everyone blessed with a good & comfortable night. in jesus name i pray, amen.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

tUne Up mY bORed LiFe

wHaT's Up 4 ToDaY?

my emotion hits the boring button again!! i think bcos of me waking up earlier than i used to be, working non-stop, skipping lunches, going back home later, eating late, sleeping late, waking up early the next day. duh... dush... duuushhh... waaaah~~~


have sought a way to light up my boring life - dance music. nonetheless~~~ the latest hit from pitbull - I kNow YoU wAnt Me!!

~~TiMe fOr A bLast OuT~~

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

GoD PaIntS mY bLoG

wHaT's Up 4 ToDaY?

suDDenLy mY BloG LooKs SoooOOO coLourFul - SoMeOne HeRe, A 100% BlaCkiE adMireR FeeLs tHaT thiS iS a LiTTLe tOOOO mUch. whEn thE thOughT of ChanGing tHe wHole bLoody ColOurFuL bLog bAck tO a bLank-BlaCk-LifeLess sKin croSSEd my MinD, i sAw a piEce oF aRt frOm a littLe boY, aGed 8, mAde DediCated to God, thAnkinG HIM foR MaKinG tHe wOrLd a ColourFul plaCe, witH gReenS, whitEs, piNkS, yeLLowS, bLackS, puRpLEs and eTc.

~tHe coLours thAt GoD bRings to tHe worLd aRe jUst LiKe the LoVe he GiVes Us.~

@@GoD iNsiRes mE to paiNt cOloUfuLLy. MaY LOvE sPreads ThRu my BloG@@

Monday, June 1, 2009

god leads me through~REBORN

wHaT's Up 4 ToDaY?

I'm BaCk AfTer SuCCessFullY sEaRcheD FoR iNNer PeAce WitH My aLmiGhtY GoD.

MoRe FanTasTic StoriEs / LiFe JoUrneY aHeAd. I'm NoT aLone tHis Round. i'M bAcK oN TraCk, hOldiNg HaNds wItH HIM.

~We LoVe Cos He fiRsT LOVES uS~

the biggest lesson that i learned in this MIA period - a simple life tastes the greatest, lives the happiest and sounds the best. thank god for lightening the path for me to see these through.

@@you may want to see it too@@