Monday, June 13, 2016


又係無無聊聊嘅一日,想減下壓,就嚟個無聊 post 啦 - What's In My Makeup Pouch!


1. 話明係 makeup pouch 咁首先哽係要講下個 pouch 啦 - 其實都冇乜特別嘅。之前嗰個 post 都有講過下。佢係一隻囉嚟放 christmas gift 嘅一個包包,係好幾年前收到嘅。其實我都唔記得裡面擺咗啲乜 christmas gift. 哈哈哈哈哈~~~ 請原諒我的不可要的記憶力!

2. 紙巾 - 我最喜愛的 sanrio 成員 - My Melody 紙巾包。我家姐知道我鐘意 My Melody, 佢買咗一大包俾我,我諗裡面有成百包!哈哈哈哈哈~~~ 我家姐真係好愛我㗎!*p/s1: 我平時都有帶濕紙巾。只係影相嗰陣時咁啱用哂咗* *p/s2:唔好問我點解要帶咁多包紙巾。我都唔知*

3. 橡筋 - 不經不覺我啲頭髮都留到膊頭位,橡筋係我而家別需帶嘅嘢。有時遇著 bad hair day 就可以隨意扎起把頭髮。有時食完晏,熱到阿媽都唔認得嗰時又可以扎起把頭髮。呢個時候呢一樣嘢係對非常重要!*p/s1: 唔好問我點解要帶咁多條橡筋。我都唔知*

4. 木梳 - 呢把木梳我都用咗好耐㗎啦,冇 10 年都有 8 年啦。。。佢有個好特別嘅功能。佢真係可以梳到啲頭髮好貼。貼嘅意思唔係會梳到啲頭髮扁扁咁。我係指啲頭髮會梳得貼服,啲 baby hair 唔會飛哂上嚟好似被電電親咁。。。係 ichiban 好用!

5. 大象圖嘅牙籤袋 - so far 係我收到最實用嘅一份禮物!愛死佢啊~~~ 自從幾年前戴上牙箍之後我都有帶牙籤出街嘅習慣,方便清理卡住牙箍嘅食物殘渣。呢個牙籤袋仲有塊鏡仔可以照下棚牙添!

6. 黑色盒嘅鏡 - 普通一塊細形化妝鏡,冇乜特別需要形容。只係我用呢塊鏡耐過我用嗰把木梳唧。。。

7. 消毒綿 - 我要講明一下!我冇潔癖!我係順隨用消毒綿嚟抹手提電話唧!唔知點解有時部電話會油淋淋咁,超多手指印!我覺得用消毒綿嚟抹會乾淨啲。。。所以就會帶囉。。。

8. 葉酸片 - 我一直都有食開葉酸片。每朝食完早餐就食一粒。有時 skip 咗早餐就等食完晏先之食。冇規定要幾時食嘅。

9. 眼葯水 - 因為戴 con 戴得非常非常長時間,通常對眼會偏乾,由其到傍晚嘅時候。呢支眼葯水係俾戴 con 之人專用嘅。滴咗之後超舒服,泛紅嘅眼會即刻舒緩返 *blink blink*

10. Pendrive - 唔好問我點解個 makeup pouch 裡面有隻 pendrive. 我都唔知!!!哈哈哈哈哈~~~

11. 指甲鉗 - 由于我嘅手指經常甩皮爆甲,指甲鉗係我嘅別帶品!我一定一定會帶佢出街!呢支指甲鉗有一個好大嘅缺點,佢個架會甩出嚟㗎!!!有時剪剪下個架就甩出嚟,都幾危險㗎,隨時會「線」手剪到肉!我仲用緊佢嘅原因係因為佢夠利!只要小心啲用就可稱得上好用!

12. 吸油紙 - 呢個包裝超靚嘅吸油紙係朋友喺泰國買返嚟送俾我嘅。暫時我都未喺本地見到呢個牌子嘅出現。非常好用!我係個 T-Zone 油人,通常一張係唔夠吸哂我 T-Zone 啲油。但係呢個牌子,一張就settle!吸完之後係即刻即刻感到清新,可以即刻上碎粉,又靚返哂啦!

13. 潤唇膏 & 唇膏 - 我要講下支潤唇膏先。我個唇係超乾,乾到無時無刻都甩皮。連訓緊覺都會甩皮!呢支潤唇膏真係 ichiban 好用!好滋潤好滋潤!搽唇膏之前先搽一下呢支潤唇膏,唔單止可以搶救我乾爆嘅唇仲可以帶出唇膏原本嘅顏色出嚟。神奇哩。。。之後講下啲唇膏啦。。。嗐。。。都唔知點解我可以帶咁多支唇膏出街。有橘色,粉紅色同粉紫色。其實一日邊用得到咁多支咁多個色啦?!我只係懶得每日揀唇膏啫。。。嘻嘻嘻。。。

14. 唇掃 - 個人 OCD, 唔慣直接搽上唇膏。一定要用掃上,覺得衛生啲。而且顏色會上得均勻啲。呢支掃快要 KO 㗎啦。我都係時候要 scout 下支新唇掃啦!

15. 碎粉 & 碎粉掃 - 呢個碎粉盒係單裝,要另買嘅。貪佢細細盒方便帶出街。每次 refill 都唔會 refill 到滿,只會 refill 到一半。免得啲粉會唔小心倒哂出嚟。我記得支碎粉掃係同隻碎粉盒一齊買嘅,所以係屬一品牌。

就係咁啦。。。講完啦。。。由于呢個 post 唔係廣告 post, 我都唔會特別或刻意提起任何牌子。見到嘅就見啦。除非本人想特別介紹/推介某某牌子啦。

Sunday, June 12, 2016


S.O.S.!!! I'm running outta topic!!! Here this post to feed in :p

Firstly, let me introduce my 'not so new' working bag. It's the M size L.L. Bean Tote and Boat. It's made of thick canvas that normally used for sails and boats, that's why the tote itself weighs a bit. There are two models for M size, with shoulder strap and short handle. I choose the short handle since I can carry it under the underarm too, so not necessary for me to get the shoulder strap. At the moment, this brand is unavailable in Malaysia and it took me a while to decide buying it from Japan, some points to consider - the price, the weight, the delivery... In the end, I decided to buy! Thanks to my sis-in-law for helping me to buy it.

Let's start seeing what's inside it!

1. A5 Planner (Plant and Leaf) - I use this planner to list out my to-do list at work, meeting schedules and notes and other work related stuff. I super need a planner to remind me of things that I need to do and follow up as I have dory alike memory... =.='''

2. A5 Planner (Bright Star) - This is my personal planner and I bought it a bit later after I tested its 'useability' at work. I use this planner as a reminder too of my personal stuff, especially ggc's school schedule and activities, weekend plans and after work dinner dates

3. Makeup Pouch - A Christmas gift that I received some years back. Now I have turned it into a makeup pouch. Not a good makeup pouch for me. My things in there never in an organized way. I guess it would be better as a toiletries pouch. *I will have another post for 'What's In My Makeup Pouch' to share with you soon. Hehe...*

4. 'Auto' Umbrella - I bought this umbrella from Taiwan during my last trip there. Surprisingly, almost all night markets in Taiwan have stalls selling umbrellas, all kinds of umbrella! I heard umbrella is a must buy item if you visit Taiwan. Actually nothing too fancy about this 'auto' umbrella. Just that it will open by itself once you press the button (a). When you need to close the canvas, again, press the same button (b) but you still need to compress the body to keep it (c). And you must really have to complete A-C to open it once again... I guess I'll soaked in rain, if I need to open and close and open at the same time

5. Purse - This is my lifetime love! Lucky that I got it from a premium outlet in Japan. It is a Christmas gift from myself to myself :) It doesn't have that many compartments but just enough for my ID card, driving license, bank card and medical cards. I have a habit to carry coins up to RM1 only. Anything more than that, I would either put in a coin box at home or put them in another pouch.

6. Working ID & Access Card - Must bring items in a working bag, I guess. Landyard by the Company. I do hope the Company will provide a new one. This is tearing apart. Hahahahaha~~~

7. Multi Purpose Pouch - This is a 3-zipper pouch to dump all my discount cards & receipts in. Not only that actually, I put the extra coins in this pouch too and some colourful pens for writing. Super practical and I super love this pouch <3

8. Key Pouch - I got this cutie from Popular Sales some years back. I don't like the keys tangling in the bag, that's why I don't opt for a key ring. I don't like the wrap up type either, many of them not wide enough to put my condo entry card and I don't know what to do with the card. So far, this pull out type is the most suitable for my need

9. mp3 Pouch - I bought this pouch purposely for my ipod. The best thing about this pouch is its two compartments that I can separate the charger port and the player. Apparently it is handmade by a local designer, support local production a bit. Hehehehehe...

10. Sanitary Napkin Pouch (occasionally) -A gift from a close friend, all the way from Bangkok! When it's about M-time, I'll bring this pouch along. It's a 3-fold pouch with a pocket at each fold. I can put different sanitary napkin for different flow usage. Bringing a sanitary napkin to the ladies will never be embarrasing again!

That's about it, what's in my working bag! Maybe I'll share more soon, what's in my travel luggage or what's in my weekend bag. Stay tuned...

*Post post comment: This is not a branding post. Therefore, I will not reveal the brand of my stuff, unless seen in the image or specified for special intro*