it is now 2011. hope that it will be a great year ahead.
there are so much to do this year and i have got the first done - tongue piercing!
who the hell is this JB? he is like everywhere around the town and everybody is like listening to his songs 24-7-365! for sure he's another teenage idol with one hit and disappears after all.
i am so sick hearing the town plays his 'Baby' and 'Eenie Meenie' all the time. Wherever i go, there's JB around. oh come on... he's not a big deal... what's so great about him till my hubby said that all aunties in his office are listening to him, playing his song aloud on radio, dance to his songs and stuff like that... gosh... 我接受唔到啰... until... one fine day...
i got to listen to his latest single at that point of time - U Smile. hmm... not bad, who's the singer, by the way? when the DJ announced that the song is by JB, i was so surprised. hey... not bad, this little 16 year old kiddo. then i started listening to his songs, one by one... slowly evaluating them one by one... hey... really good...
the latest hit in town - Pray by JB touches my heart. i first got to know this song from TV, from the American Music Award (AMA), he sang this song in piano version with a group of worship leaders. hey... the best from him so far...
worth a try listening to his songs. here you go...
Ohh Ohh Ohh... and I pray…
I just can’t sleep tonight. Knowing that things ain’t right.
It’s in the papers, It’s on the tv, It’s everywhere that I go.
Children are crying, Soldiers are dying, Some people don't have a home.
But I know there's sunshine behind that rain.
I know there's good times behind that pain, hey…
Can you tell me how I can make a change?
I close my eyes and I can see a better day.
I close my eyes and pray…
I close my eyes and I can see a better day.
I close my eyes and pray…
I lose my appetite, knowing kids starve tonight.
And when I sit up, cause my dinner is still on my plate.
Ooo I got a vision, to make a difference. And it’s starting today.
Cause I know there's sunshine behind that rain.
I know there's good times behind that pain, hey…
Haven’t tell me how I can make a change.
For the broken-hearted, I pray for the life not started.
I pray for all the ones not breathing, I pray for all the souls in need, I pray.
Can you give’em one today.
I just can’t sleep tonight.
Can someone tell how to make a change?
I close my eyes and I can see a better day.
I close my eyes and pray…
I close my eyes and I can see a better day.
I close my eyes and I pray…
I pray... I close my eyes and pray...
Dengarkanlah lagu dulu Tinggalkanmu itu menunggu
Jangan biarkan hati Dikunci oleh rasa benci
Resah yang tiada henti Bila kau melangkah pergi
Apakah yang harus ku lakukan ‘Tuk merubah hatimu
Kurnia bagaikan khayalan Takkan ku lepas walaupun apa yang mendatang
Kurnia bagaikan khayalan Ku takkan lepas walau hanya khayalan
Senyumanmu igauanku Tiada yang setandingmu
Suara yang bermain Memanggil-manggil namaku
Resah yang tiada henti Bila kau melangkah pergi
Apakah yang harus ku lakukan Untuk merubah hatimu
Pintaku cuma jangan pergi
Bilakah oh nanti akan pergi Berlari biarkan pergi
Buat selamanya biar kita berdua disinari
Oh mentari oh mentari
wednesday - it was a public holiday and of course we would want to utilise the day to clean the greatest mess in the world - our new home sweet home. everything that we bought for our home, from the thing we planned to put them in toilets, kitchen, bedrooms and study room was put in the living hall, on the floor. can you imagine this and do you think we need to clean this up...???
friday - my colleagues and i have been planning to clear the store room in our office quite some time ago due to the scheduled shifting from wisma UOAII to plaza sentral in january (tentative... again). we started clearing the room at 9.30am and called it a day at 5.45pm. phew... what a tiring day...
just received sms-es from my colleagues:-
1. put counterpain on my whole body. now whole body super cool, 发冷...
2. semua tulang pecah. have a good rest everyone. i'm going pig now.
saturday - i swear this saturday will be the last day i'm doing heavy duty cleaning for our new home sweet home. i really want to put an end to this superb tiring activity. we have geared up with brooms, dustpan, floor mops, toilet brushes... let's do it hard, babe... wahahahaha~~~
sunday - a shopping day @ ikea - main target - TV bench : )
还记得他送我的一份礼物 - 一本他的日记,记载他当时在外国的生活。现在,就是这一本日记陪我一起想念着他,怀念着他。就是这一本日记要我谨记 - 幸福和快乐不是必然的,有的时候,要珍惜,无的时候,要争取。好好地过着每一天,要平平安安的,要快快乐乐的,要轻轻松松的。愿每一天都带给自己和别人快乐和欢欣。
dear Heavenly Father,
i pray that You will look after and take good care of him as he has returned to your land in peace, o'Lord. i pray that You will be continuously pouring Your blessings and grace unto him, o'Lord. in Jesus name i pray, Amen.
on the other hand, i bought kate nail colour dry. very helpful, it almost immediately dries up the colouring. 2 thumbs up!!! but i can't remember how much i paid for it, too long ago... friends, strongly recommended for those who have no patient to wait for the colouring to dry up naturally.
watched the final day of 超級星光大道-星光传奇赛 on TV this evening. no doubt, Janice (阎奕格) does better than Rose for all days before the final, but i think Rose does a very good job on the final day, much much better than Janice.
although she gets the 1st runner-up in the end, i will always support her, just like i supported her during her 超級星光大道-星光5班.
a very good performance by her on the final day that i want to share with all of you. feel her heart and energy.
上帝创造人类的时候是一双一对的,就像 adam & eve。
i don't want diamond rings, i just want a prada. because i'm a devil!
happy birthday. may all your dreams come true.
wishing you the best of health & wealth.