we've bought our home sweet home some months ago but we haven't announced this big news to my in-law. reason being - simple - we don't want interference, we don't want interruption and we don't want extra extra unnecessary arrangements and opinions, which we'd treasure it if it is left unfolded forever...
.well... we've done almost everything, we've completed the 1st phase renovations, engaged with contractors for the 2nd phase, picked the paint colours, bought home appliances... basically just waiting for the time to get all things completed. we're getting real excited to moving into the new house!!!
we broke the news to them after yesterday's reunion dinner, everybody was so shocked! not when we mentioned we've bought the house but when we said we wanted to move out from the current house. imagine this... we mentioned moving out in october, yeah... real soon... i think this is why they couldn't take it at first.
Q& A session:
are you unhappy living with us under the same roof? i'm sad to see you leaving...
aren't you suppose to feel happy that your son has the ability to own a house? moving out not because of unhappiness, we want to live our own lives out there...
.have you pick a date to move in? don't simply pick a date, this must be carefully done...
we haven't picked a date but if you want to pick a date for us, we've no problem, happy if you could help us. but please make it on a saturday in october / november, we want many people to come and share the happiness.
.will you set a prayer alter? a small one outside the house?
a big no-no!!! we don't trust in the God you are trusting, therefore, we don't want to keep something that we can't and don't want to take care of. but if you want to have a prayer ceremony before we move in, we don't mind but this going to be a one-time-off thingy.
.are you going to move everything out from your room?
no no... we're going to bring over the mattress only as we've so used to it. the rest we'll leave them behind as we'll occasionally come back for overnight, especially during CNY and festive eves, which fall on a friday.
.are you going home for dinner? i mean everyday?
of course won't but we'll make it once a week, we promise, just like we go back to my parents' home once a week for dinner. we've to make it fair, you see... don't worry... we'll take care of ourselves.
i have to give you a set of cookware, most probably a set of wok and pots.
we aren't going to cook like 9 dishes a day, pots and wok basically to us are useless. we just don't want to waste your nice set of pots and wok. you can use them to cook tasty food for everyone.
.(MIL walked to the store room to look for other things that she could give to me) how about this steamer set?
ok ok... we take this, it helps when it comes to steaming mantou. i love mantou, for sure, i'll use this! thanks!
.what else do you need and want?
basically we've got everything. no need to buy anything else. the steamer is enough already...
.for sure i can't sleep tonight... so sad...
is your home open to us? can we come over, for a night or two?
sure! we have a guest room for all visitors. you can just tell us that you'll be coming over, we'll get things fixed. no worries... you can always come over for the swimming pool, jaz or even BBQ. we really don't mind... we'll be happy if you drop by...
.the conversation moved on to our BB plan, her pregnancy experience and so on... i feel like vomiting when i talk about this, continuously... anyway, there's no more secrets...
.waiting impatiently...
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