Tuesday, September 21, 2010


i was telling my hubby that i am 'de-energized' since i started working in this new company. i just don't know why...

i start work later than before, i can go off way earlier than before, i have lesser work than before, life should have been better!

i am tired when i reach home. i am tired during weekends. i am tired... just too tired to do anything and everything, even things that i once thought they were exciting and interesting.

what the hell happened to me? am i too workaholic, can't live an easy life? sigh...

my hubby told me to look for a new hobby, to venture into something new, which might trigger my interest.

sports - i'm out!

books - i'm sleepy.

music - nothing gets me on lately, what to do than just listening. not that i know how to 'operate' a keyboard or play a guitar.

movies - i'm actually watching. it's my hobby all this while...

recipe - everybody says i can't cook, erm... can't cook well, including my hubby! but it sounds interesting... should i? well, well, well... i need guinea pigs... hahaha...

set @ recipe! i'm gonna start with easy ones... from frying an egg to baking a cake.

if i think i can, i can, right... will you be my guinea pigs???


Yoke Kiat said...

well, my kitchen's all yours for you to experiment... ;)

Patreena.Kam(100cc) said...

sure or not, kiat? later i burn down your kitchen. hahaha~~~