Monday, September 6, 2010


hubby and i went for our medical checkups this morning @ the tropicana medical centre. the very first time i saw all sorts of medical equipments and machines, just like those seen in movies, as bombastic as those seen in the terminator. hahaha...
we were directed for urine and blood test. the blood test was killing us. the 'so-called registered' nurse was worse than any nurses who handled us before, even worse than those paramedics from pathlab. she was so harsh, like nobody business. she worked on my right hand and couldn't withdraw the amount that she wanted. instead of trying on my left hand, she insisted to do it on my right hand. oh gosh... please-lah... my right hand has run out of blood and she still wanted to work on it. i suggested her to withdraw blood from my left hand, i really 'DON'T' mind. another 10cc gone... now both my hands were injured!!!
if i'm not mistaken, there were only 4 appointments today and i'd say the service was quite efficient. after a little while, we were directed for x-ray, bone & body structure scanning and ultrasound. the most impressive machine that they used on us was this machine to scan our body structure and composition. we were 'tied' to the machine and pressured, ooh... it heard like so 'SM'. hahaha... the concept is just like measuring the blood pressure. don't get me wrong... : )
the whole process took about 3 hours. very tiring... gotta sleep earlier tonight... tomorrow back to work... ish ish ish... : (

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