Sunday, October 26, 2008

14 days to go... furniture day

a little late tonight. at last my tiredness ended - a minute ago.

woke up quite early today as i need to pick up my 'gah jong' things from the shop and wait for my bed, wardrobe and bedside table to come. quite exciting while waiting for the furniture - my new room is taking a step ahead to completion. after picking up my 'gah jong' we headed back home happily, awaiting for the furniture to reach us @ 2pm. who knows...

m****rf**ker!!! we waited till 4.30pm for the furniture. i didn't know what happened in between and i didn't wanna bother about it. so long, as last they arrived in nice pieces. it took about 2 hours to install the wardrobe and bed. it's okay... although we couldn't wait yet we have waited for hours.

we actually brought our worries to the 'furniture-man' - our room is too small but we have ordered a 6 feet width wardrobe. we only noticed later that it will block all the switches - the lamp, air conditioner and alarm switch. he suggested us to cut a hole at the back of the wardrobe, so that we could get to the switches. although it is troublesome, it is the best way to resolve the problem. we were so happy that he could help us and we thought everything'll work in this way.

the hole is really an a**hole. the measurements are not in place - we could only reach 1 1/2 of the switches. the workmanship is sucks - the cutting is like zig zag. the more i look at the a**hole, the more i feel like killing the 'furniture-man'. it doesn't turn up to be the way we thought it would be. not at all...!! moreover, the cutting spoils the board. and what do think the clever guy did? he coloured the part with a marker. oh gosh... it looks even uglier. not only that, the clever man left three partition board at the shop. and he even asked us to go collect them by ourselves. what kinda service is this??? **marah giler ni!!! my blood is boiling**

i complained like hell but surprisingly hubby didn't voice out a thing. normally, he is the one who complains more. am i being too fussy, nasty or am i becoming an auntie who nags at almost everything? oh no... i don't wanna be there yet.

but no matter what, whether i am or not an auntie yet, i made my complain to the 'furniture-man'... really 'beh-tahan' with the outcome. with my malaysian thinking, what the 'furniture-man' will do? what will us do if he do nothing? nothing-loh... ended up no one did anything, all of us did nothing.

luckily we still have kiat and bui to accompany us for the greatest dinner - bagulolo!! our mood was getting better then... i'm now totally in a perfect mood and a little exciting for tomorrow cos it's gonna be the 'guo dai lei' day.

i was busy preparing for tomorrow session - wrapping, 'ribboning' and arranging things to be sent over to the in-law. everyone in the family was so blur, don't know which and which for the 'guo dai lei' abd bed setting. at last, we decided to pack, ribbon and arrange two to worry leaving anything behind. kekeke...

gotta sleep earlier tonight as i need to send dad to the market to collect the steamed cake and lotus plant. **wondering if i can sleep well tonight. too tired and exciting**

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