Sunday, October 26, 2008

13 days to go - guo dai lei

everyone was so busy this morning, preparing for the 'guo dai lei'...

1. coconuts - set!!
2. 5 coloured beans - set!!
3. orange flavoured soft drink - set!!
4. 'pin pak' leaves - set!!
5. 'buah pinang' - set!!
6. 'lin ji', 'bak hap' & longan - set!!
7. pink guava - set!!
8. bowls with chopsticks and spoons - set!!
9. lotus plant - erm erm erm... where was the lotus plant?

quickly wendy drove dad to the market to get a lotus plant. luckily managed to get it. phew...

hubby and the siblings arrived at around 10.00am, with hundred and one stuff in their hands - fruits, cakes, biscuits, 'pin pak' leaves, liquor and 'mas kahwin'... could see from their faces, there must be something not very happy happened before they came. i think should be the mum-in-law AGAIN. sigh... 'suen-lah'... she is like that 'ge-lah'...

prayers prayers and prayers...

to me, the whole picture of this 'guo dai lei' is receiving and returning gifts - you give me and i give you back. why can't we just skip this session? 'give lei yau give hui', so meaningless. so waste of time too...

the session ended at around 11.30am and followed with the arrival of relatives. i haven't seen some of them for quite some time... since years ago... happy to see them here just for me. we talked, we laughed, we shared, we joked all the way... being the one in the centre of attraction made me feel so uneasy. i have not been one before. everyone was talking about me, teasing on me. at times, i didn't know how to react their jokes and questions. i just laughed and smiled things over. luckily they didn't continue to talk about the jokes or question me. i'm an ostrich today. hahaha...

spent half of the day giving out biscuits to friends and relatives. luckily it wasn't me who did the driving. thanks to cassey for being the driver of the day. gee... **happy**

just came back from the family dinner. so tired... so tired...

ring ring... a call from mum-in-law just now. she apologized iover the phone that she has forgotten to bring over the pair of earrings, which she bought earlier for me. hahaha... she is always the careful one, how come this time so 'sert chak'?? i could imagine how blur she was and how 'luen sui' the morning was.

another tiring day tomorrow... need to leave for teluk intan to give out more biscuits to more relatives. and luckily... i'm not the one who drives. thanks to cassey again. the best driver of the year. kakaka... thanks, big sis!!

gotta go shower now... i'm a salted fish now... :pp

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