Friday, April 27, 2012


Some 'preggies' say, symptoms tend to change every week.  You may experience dizziness this week, you may feel like throwing up the next week, and so on...

Yeah, I feel the same too.  Symptoms are changing every week - last two weeks I felt indescribable discomforts; last week I felt dizziness and like throwing up in the morning (luckily these lasted for like 1/2 hr every morning); this week I lost appetite until noon and back to normal when it comes to dinner.  One that doesn't change - TIREDNESS!!!  I feel like sleeping and lying down 24-7!!!

Yesterday I was telling hubby that Baby is considered nice to me, at least I am better than those who cannot even wake up caused by dizziness, those who cannot even eat or drink caused by queasiness, those who cannot even walk caused by back pain and lots more severe symptoms.

I am still able to work in the office, effectively although not very efficient (hehe...), I am still able to analyse situations and bomb others' emails.  Hahaha~~~  Proud of me!

Temporarily, hubby and I are calling Baby as Ah Bee.  We cannot start calling Baby 仔仔 / 囡囡, not knowing Baby's gender yet.

There was a night that I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night and hubby noticed it.  He commanded, 'Ah Bee 啊, faster sleep 啦, 阿媽 needs to sleep 啊, 阿爸 need to sleep also 啊!  You 乖啦!'  Hahaha~~~ 

In the end, I couldn't sleep too...  :-(
眼光光, 等天光...

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