Saturday, April 7, 2012


Tomorrow is Easter Day.  In just blinks of eyes, I've fasted for more than 40 days, since Ash Wednesday (22 February).  The feeling isn't good, so much temptations around me, so much free lunches and dinners to attend and the greatest temptations of all - mum's cooking that I cannot resist.  A secret to share, I broke fast for a few times but I'm sure there weren't because of temptations but the option wasn't opened for me to fast.  It's true, it's true, don't challenge me!  Hahaha~~~

Last Wednesday, my boss and a bunch of colleagues were talking about Easter Day.  And suddenly a question popped up and no one had an answer to it.  Why eggs?  Why Easter Eggs?

My cousin in Gibraltar also posted the same question on Facebook but she was asking why chocolates.  Why Easter Chocolates?  Luckily there was a friend of hers who managed to Google-d for the answer.

She said - Eggs have been a symbol of new life, renewal, new beginnings and fertility since before Christianity.  The hollow shell of an egg represents the empty tomb of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion.  Eggs were associated with Spring.  Christians adopted the egg as a symbol at Easter when Jesus Christ died for our sins and was crucified and was resurrected from the dead on what is now Easter Sunday.

I promised my boss and colleagues for Easter Eggs on Monday.  But I don't think I can make it this year, too lazy...  Hahaha...  Anyways, Happy Easter Day!

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