Monday, July 20, 2009

i JZ caN't Con'T wRiTinG tHiS...

it's been more than 2 weeks now... uncle leong left us to be with God; leaving behind my aunt, 2 beautiful daughters and a 'busy' son.

jen & bunee mz be in the flight back to home. cherios~~ and i shall see u guys next year...
matthew has always been the busiest man in town all this while and even the dad & mum could hardly hear his voice through phone and not to mention this - see his face. and yet... he is always the 'mummy boy'.

my aunt has to be on her own now, well... before this, she never had to, not even a single minute needed to be independant. it's gonna be a tough mission for her and i do pray hard for her.

we were browsing through my wedding photos last night at wendy's house. there was a photo of me and her, hugging each other, with a big smile on our faces. yeah... both of us looked very nice in the photo. bunee commented that my aunt looked so happy. and guess what... she said, 'yeah... that was before your dad passed away'. dush... her words broke my heart and i almost teared.

obviously, she has not got enough grieving the unexpected, sudden leave. and we dare not to leave her behind, alone in the house. we try to arrange her to be in kl, with her beloved son, with relatives who are staying in kl and of course, be with us. and we thought, being with us, could possibly be the best idea. everytime she visits kl, she'd be at our home - by default. we are more than happy to welcome her to our house, moreover, she really needs our hospitality now. i'd say, she needs everyone of us, she needs our support.

but... the closest hurts her the deepest.

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