Friday, September 21, 2012


There are a lot, a lot of people asking me about my pregnancy diet.  Could be of the extra weight I put on my body that triggers all the concerned parties to ask me this question.
Well, I don't specifically plan on a pregnancy diet as planned prior to my pregnancy.  After I got pregnant, I try to keep to the principal of moderation.  I don't particularly eat more green leaves, I don't particularly take in more dairy products, I don't particularly remind myself to at least eat an orange or apple a day, I don't particularly do a specific thing throughout my pregnancy (so far).
Luckily 囡囡 & I are carbo eater, we love rice, noodle and bread.  Because of this, we end up with extra 100+ gms and 5kgs in a month!  Hahaha...  Another lucky thing is 囡囡 loves oranges, be it fresh oranges or fresh/chill orange juice, she just loves it!  Not to mention Milo, we both love it and it's a norm for us to at least a cup daily.  In despite of its super sweetness, we just love it, sometimes we even have it as our supper.  Our sleep after Milo is the sweetest, we sleep better than nights without Milo, really...
The bad part is I still love coffee and carbonated drinks.  I drink either coffee, tea or carbonated drinks everyday and I try to be keep the combination up to 300ml daily, that means...  erm...  either one daily  :)
The only diet that I'm worrying is my sugar intake.  I have sweet tooth throughout my pregnancy and it's kinda hard to resist ice-cream, cakes and stuff like that.  心裏很明白, gestational diabetic is not a joke.  Although most of the diagnosis will subside after baby is born, it'll definitely increase risk in my pregnancy and baby health in the future.  As I'm entering the third trimester, this is the one thing I'll try to control, for the sake of both of us.  囡囡 & 媽媽, 一起加油吧!

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