buy any 2 pairs of normal price shoes,
Friday, December 18, 2009
buy any 2 pairs of normal price shoes,
Sunday, December 13, 2009
after spending almost 4 hours in ikea, at last... we were able to get ourselves a 'shoe rack'. you must be wondering why i put the inverted commas for the word shoe rack. cos we bought a bookshelf and turn it into a shoe rack. how creative my mil is... rate her, 1 to 10!

Saturday, December 12, 2009
我的笔友 - 钟小'慢'
she watches a 1 1/2 hours hong kee movie in 2 days. she cooks 2 sets of breakfast from 5.30am - 9.00am. terrible...!! and this is when i call her 大慢.
and there are actually more to tell... hehehe...
小慢 is a hong kee who got married to a physician, who is 8 years her senior and now residing in penang. her marriage is really a dramatic one, just like those korean drama series - the 2 families tie up an agreement to marry their son and daughter when they grow up. 小慢 got married at as young as 17 years old. after the grand ceremony, which lasted for 2 days, she stays in penang with her husband's family.
before their marriage, they met each another maybe only once or twice a year, during CNY or christmas. all they know about each another is the name - 郭耀锋 (harry) and 钟小曼.
and suddenly they were told/instructed to get themselves prepared for their marriage. too rush, too harsh... no pre-wed photos, no 过大礼, only 2 packs of BIG, REAL BIG 红包 from harry's family to 小慢's.
yeah yeah... it sounds like selling off their daughter. 小慢 felt the same too and she was so upset that she had no say to her own life and sad that she had to leave her family and friends.
i don't know much on how she gets along with harry and his family. i get to know from her that she actually continues her study and went to london with harry for 2 years to complete her master. their love for malaysia makes them back to penang - harry is still with the specialist centre and 小慢 with her her artistic photography and art.
they are extremely extreme. harry to me, is a person who thinks logically, scientifically and with senses; 小慢 to me, is a person who thinks out of the box, acts differently (and funny) and makes no sense. i really can't tell how these 2 categories can work properly TOGETHER!
perhaps this is fate. they are still living happily together. she shares her secret to maintaining a good relationship - 'mutual understanding'. they always share what they have in mind, what they wanna do, how they wanna get things done... 'never to guess as i'm bad in solving riddles and IQ questions', this is what she tells me. and i agree!
p/s: i'm sure before they can get along well, they must have gone through difficult times too. they can make it, why can't we get along well with our partners? share everything with your partner. 他们不是我们肚子里的一条虫!
Friday, December 11, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009
8 18 28 38 48

without them, i'd have bored to death.

some of my friends were once my colleagues.
some of my colleagues are now my friends.
i can't even differentiate them,
who are my friends & who are my colleagues.


eventually... perhaps
Monday, December 7, 2009


the taste of the iced milo is so unique that you can't get it from anywhere else. not from the best mamak stall, not from the best mama in the world. it is just Milo, iced Milo from the van!
i heard from a friend of mine, the formula of preparing the super tasty iced Milo - Milo powder, fresh milk, sugar and condensed milk, blended in the right proportions and kept in the right temperature. but we never got to know the proportions and the temperature. and this is why we are still craving for iced Milo from the van!
i still remember that my eldest sis and i were addicts to Milo when we were little girls. we couldn't sleep without drinking a cup of Milo at night. no matter how accidentally we fell asleep, we'd get up in the middle of our sleepy night and pour a cup of Milo. then... we could dream our night away...
but i can't remember when i recovered from the addiction. it stopped just like that, i guess... perhaps, teased by others for drinking Milo at night and not beer. wakakaka...
lately i can't sleep well. only manage to sleep for 2 - 3 hours, wake up in midnight and wait for the dawn. i try drinking Milo before sleep and it seems working on me.
am i a born addict or what...?!
p/s: hubby is working late tonight. i'm still waiting for him to be home and prepares me a cup of Milo. he can make a cup of tasty Milo too. hahaha...
Sunday, December 6, 2009

*optimum consumption is 200ml - 250ml a day, after meal and not with en empty stomach.
*one cup of 250ml of milk contains 285mg of calcium, which represents 22% - 29% of the daily recommended intake (DRI) of calcium for an adult.
*no re-heating, optimum temperature for consumption is 20DC - 30DC.
*do not consume milk with tea as tea neutralises the benefits of milk.
*consuming full fat milk may increase fertility while consuming low fat milk may decrease fertility.
Saturday, December 5, 2009

anyway, i have just started off with a few chapters, have not gotten into in-depth on how to push the baby out from the womb yet. slowly ya... i'm still reading on the preparations, not even near the process of conceiving. hahaha...
the book and some other articles in mags actually state that mental & physical preparations are basically and in fact more important than the financial. imagine... from the moment a woman conceives, money starts flying off - to the gynae, supplements, baby's things and so on... what in the world could possibly more important than the financial stability? i find the facts are quite right as i read on...
here are some of them... to be read together (husband & wife):
1. mentally prepared - ask yourself - do you really want a baby? if yes, you are mentally prepared. just a simple question - answer it and jump to point 2.
2. physically prepared - if you want a baby, do you want it to be healthy? if yes, prepare yourself NOW!
a. for those who are smoking - husband, please minimise the number of cigis per day / wife - please quit now!
b. for those who are on regular alcohol consumption - husband, please reduce the intake / wife - quit taking in jack's and switch to yomeishu.
c. for those who are on birth control - husband, you can now stop buying condoms at the moment and save the money in your piggy bank / wife - you can now quit popping in pills and/or remove the diaphragm.
d. for those who think that you are not healthy enough to have a baby - husband & wife, please start planning for a healthier lifestyle (eg. sleep earlier, wake up earlier), take vitamins & supplements (eg. women are talking madly about folic acid for preconception), do a thorough medical check up (eg. a blood test on talassemia minor - this is popular among asians) and please consult doctor for more information.
3. financially prepared - are you still working with income? if yes, you are prepared!
a (i). how much is enough - the answer will be an infinity figure because you'll never know. why don't you take the pressure of forking out the money when you are still young and able to earn an income? for instance, a family with an average annual income of $50K - first baby @ age of 30. average retirement age - age of 60. when your child enrols for university, you are most probably hitting the age of 51 - you are still earning an income, you still have the financial support. bingo...!!
a (ii). on the other hand, a family with the same annual income, first child @ 35, you are left with 4 working years. yeah, you are so right, you are still earning an income, you still have the financial support. but think about this, how long a student needs to study for his master/PHD honour? think...
**by then, it would be much more difficult for you to absorb the pressure of retirement and not able to support your child for higher education**
b. if you think you are not earning enough income to support a family - husband & wife, save a certain amount in bank account every month and start counting down the conceive month and expected due date. you will be able to estimate the amount of money allocated for the whole process - from conceiving to delivering the baby to this wonderful world.
planning is important but don't overly plan. it'll cause unnecessary pressures and add to arguments between husband & wife. plan in a whole, executing it in stages.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
need not to mention about traffic - not only moving slow, it was heavy and stuck. i reached office at around 8.50am and... what a good news?! my boss hadn't reached office yet. i believe traffic in cheras was much worse than jalan kuching. almost all my colleagues from cheras were late late late, much later than me. there were some from kajang who reached in the late morning, when the fire drill exercise was about to end at 11.15am. imagine that...
the fire drill exercise was killing me. i seldom exercise in my life, i guess fire drill is the only one for me in a year. hahaha... oh... i had twice this year. the assembly point has moved from pasar rakyat to prince court, so we gotta have the exercise once more.
walking down the stairs from 16th floor isn't a joke. i'm not feeling very well lately and this exercise really added to my sickness. luckily i didn't faint, if not... i wouldn't be here writing...
going off for an early lunch, erm... brunch in pavillion. it's normal to have early lunch on a fire drill exercise. it finished at 11.30am - walk back to office building - wait for lift back to office - settle down for a while - griiinnnggg~~~ it's lunch time. might as well... have lunch earlier...
i have been staying back late in the office for the past 2 days. normally i don't make myself staying back in the beginning of the month, especially 1st of the month. it's really exhausted working like hell for the day before it. i swear to myself that i won't stay on the 1st. but... i stayed... purposely...
for the sake of going back a little earlier today. i got to know today's the fire drill exercise day via a colleague - 99% accuracy rate. haha... knowing the future, i planned to clear up as much as i could so that i wouldn't be rushing like hell, as if the month end closing.
frustration fills me when i got to know how the team leader distributes cases to processors. whose list has the 'littlest' cases gets more cases. whatdaf**k??!!
reason being - 'the ones who have many cases in their lists sure cannot finish if i distribute equally among processors'.
result 1 - the ones clear cases faster will have more cases to do. result 2 - the ones who get to do more cases will have more cases to follow up. result 3 - overloaded.
consequence 1 - what happens to the ones who have more cases at the beginning? lesser cases to do, lesser cases to follow up. it is now their turn to get more cases. consequence 2 - by the time they being allocated with more cases, it is the time that the whole team gets flooded and overloaded cos it is reaching the month end closing. how many cases can the ones being allocated more? sounds bulls**t, huh??!
moral 1 - don't try to work more than required. moral 2 - don't try to be stupid, thought you'd be able to help the team to at least minimise the volume.
i'm sure that there are people out there who agree with me. but this isn't the healthy way of working. this isn't the way it suppose to be. i don't wanna work in this way, i don't wanna think in this way but i have to admit that it is this way. take it or leave it...
i finally understand why 8 colleagues of mine leave the company within 24 hrs. tender today, leaving tomorrow - bravo! i think almost 50% left the company, as if the company is closing down. scary... good luck, pals... my best wishes with you.
good luck to you, COMPANY...
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
每当想起你 - 失落沙洲
Monday, November 23, 2009
叱咤 903
i was extremely sleepy this afternoon and it wasn't caused by the heavy lunch that i had. i blamed it on myself for sleeping as early as 2.30am in the morning.
i tried to access to online radio but all locals are blocked by the co server. i never knew that the co IT ppl are working in such an effective and efficient way all this while. hmm... then i tried accessing to other countries', let's try hong kong's 903 - bingo!! although it requires a simple download, i don't care! spam me, warn me, if u found me!
personally i prefer canto programme - i can understand better. that's why i find this radio station is absolutely my cup of tea. 有内容,有内涵,有见地,有point, 有fun, 有靓music 又带点深情. 正!
i'm now listening to 一八七二遊花园 - 劲! trio DJs, talk non-stop... wah!!!
一八七二遊花园, every monday - friday, 2200 - 0100, by 余迪伟, bu, 鄒凯光.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
她不是我的偶像,亦不是我特别欣赏的人,亦不是我想向她学习的人. 对我来讲,她什么都不是. 但是我偏偏就是想写一些关于她的东西.
电影仙乐飘飘,是我第一次见她. 可能是因为郭富城的关系,我开始注意她. 人又美丽,身形又高瘦. 一个子 - 正! 之后才知道原来她也是张学友某个mv女主角. 如果没记错的话,应该是'离开以后'这个mv. 哈哈... 之后我再也没有看过她演的戏.
我觉得她始终比较适合唱歌. 她有几首歌我都很喜欢,包括有- 嫁妆,我不以为,失忆周末,花花宇宙,等等... 但是我最最最喜欢的还是风花雪,我都不知道为什么. 这首歌真的不是最好听的,但是我又偏偏喜欢这一首. 它带点梦幻,抒情,意境,浪漫... '长夜与挚爱的风花雪'...
我觉得'风花雪'最特别的是它有留一点空间给听众去想象和享受. 这是我对听歌的基本要求. 一首不能令到听众有幻想的歌,我觉得这首歌只是适合斋听. 无灵魂的歌,不如不要听!
一直以来给人感觉乖乖女的陈慧琳,已经是人妻,人母了. 继续努力吧,看好你!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
highly recommended by my sis-in-law, till my hubby couldn't resist the temptation and tried it out himself. certified! the bak kut teh is tasty. hubby likes the one in soup but i prefer the dry.
normally i'll go to the one in the queen's park, peel road. the soup is not too thick and i love it cos i don't actually like the taste of chinese herbs, especially the taste of 'dang guai'. will try to write a cover the restaurant next time i go there.
No. 393A Jalan Segambut Kuala Lumpur (opposite Segambut Helicopter Landing Port)
Tel: 6016-608 7978 (Kenny)
dessert time!!
tried out MOF Japanese Sweets & Coffee last saturday. not too good, not too bad, either. just so-so, so so-so. prices are okay... some of them are reasonable, some of them are a little too pricey. the reasonable priced ones are most probably the waffles @ RM3/pc. a real small one topped with flavoured glaze and cream. while the expensive ones are the ice-cream, especially those with imported ingredients, like red-bean - from hokkaido, if i'm not mistaken.
why not a try?
MOF Japanese Sweets & Coffee
Pavilion (on the same level as the Republic food court)
Monday, November 16, 2009
2001年度十大劲歌金曲颁奖典礼 - 最受欢迎男歌星
我也落泪了... 实在太感动啦... 当时我的感动不是因为他拿了这个奖项反而是那份情意.
可惜... 最终还是分手收场.
八年后的今日,重看这一幕反而我觉得的是感触. 他的那一句'我相信自己' 真令我获益良多. 这一句真的可以让自己飞得更远,更高!
人生有几多个十年去等奇迹的出现? 敢敢去做每件事情. 做得到,是成就. 做不到,至少自己有付出过最大的努力. 明天起床又是一条好汉也!
兄弟姐妹, 我们一起努力吧!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
潮游泰国 - 曼谷之旅 - LAST EPISODE

i always reject 'invitations' to massages and spa treatments. i just dislike the feeling of being rubbed and massaged. the feeling is like... they are dealing with my bones, breaking and reunited them back again rather than dealing with my pressure points. perhaps, it's not an easy way to deal with my skinny body, though. it's kinda like touch me - touch bones. hahahahaha...
bangkok, thailand isn't a place for me, i'd say. the weather is too hot & wet. the rain falls without alarm. imagine this... sweat + dust + drizzling rain = dirt. rain falls for one minute or two, bright sun appears again. back to dirt + sweat + dust + drizzling rain (if you are really bad luck) = 2x dirt. yeerr... i hate this!!
correct me if i'm wrong - BANGKOK is the CAPITAL of THAILAND. yet... the place is so so so dirty. dah tahu kotor takpe, lagi takde tong sampah. apa nak jadi ni...??!! really can't find a dustbin along the road, not even one. of course, wastage are dumped everywhere on the road.
another thing... the electrical wires connected among lamp posts. the wires are just like the ang mos' hair locks. OMG...
the famous street food are sold by the roadsides. perhaps, just beside the engines of cars and tut tuts. eating them is like swallowing dust. argh... our mamak and lok lok are better still!
the best part i hate about this place - TRAFFIC JAM. no matter it's a morning, afternoon, evening or night time, cars, tut tuts, motorcycles, bicycles and all other unlisted vehicle types are on every road in bangkok. i'm not sure if they are parked on the roads or waiting for the time to move. really makes me feel sick and headache. i should not be visiting bangkok in the next years, not before i can forget the frustrations that i have experienced.
p/s: future bangkok visitors - please bring along a mini fan, wet tissue and a person / directory that guides you to the food. fashion items are no more cheap there, please bring more THB.
潮游泰国- 曼谷之旅 - CHAPTER 2
we went to the hi-ends in siam. christmas decors are everywhere. i like paragon the most - the decors are extended to the walkway to siam square. beautiful...
central world is the mall that i long to go. at first i wanted to get myself a custom made scheduler for 2010. i watched from a tv show, that the mall has a counter, which does design for calendars, note pads, diaries and photo albums. but i couldn't find the counter, 算啦! i know there's a shop in the tropicana mall which is doing 'more or less' the same thing as this is doing.
siam square is like a park with unique boutiques. erm... similar to our jalan telawi in bangsar but the size of the park is like 2x of jalan telawi. big billboards and colourful window displays are simply too attractive.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
潮游泰国 - 曼谷之旅 - CHAPTER 1
we arrived at the baiyoke boutique in the midnight. we thought of registering only 2 pax for a standard deluxe room (while i try to smuggle in for free). who knows there are CCTVs in front of our room. we got a call from the reception once we stepped in the room. i never knew Thais are soooo efficient & effective. hahahaha...still, worth paying the money - overall the hotel is clean, well facilitated and staff are nice.
we headed to the chatuchak weekend market after our breakfast in the hotel. the weather was extremely warm. we walked the whole day under the brightest sun in the universe. of course, we bought many things... mostly t-shirts. we had our lunch in the chatuchak too - noodle in chicken soup. haa... with the whole chicken drumstick. slurp...!!
our hotel is actually located near the platinum fashion mall. this is the most famous warehouse in the pratunam area. tell you what... the above photos are no jokes, they are real! the fashion items are really like this. they are sold in a bunch. let's say... one piece for THB180, three pieces for THB450. luckily there were three of us, we got most of our items at wholesale price : )
what a fruitful day... : )