after spending almost 4 hours in ikea, at last... we were able to get ourselves a 'shoe rack'. you must be wondering why i put the inverted commas for the word shoe rack. cos we bought a bookshelf and turn it into a shoe rack. how creative my mil is... rate her, 1 to 10!
we bought home the brand new billy book shelf. yeah... my shoes have a home now!!

my sil wanted to buy a full length mirror for her room. pity her-lah... every time after she changes in her room, she needs to go near the toilet for the full length mirror. girls ma... of course we need a full length mirror in our rooms. agree??
100%! everyone!! i bet!!!
she already held one in her hands, got ready to put it in the trolley. my mil disallowed her to buy it - never put a mirror in a bedroom. reason - ?? (no reason). as usual-lah...
my sil actually tolerated. she promised to turn the mirror to another side when she goes to sleep at night. but the answer was still a NO.
i kept quiet... i didn't say a thing. not to say i didn't want to help my sil. just that i know i can't change a thing, i will never able to convince my mil to not believe the myth that she has been believing for years, i can't make her change her decision in anyway.
my sil was so pissed off! she mumbled and walked off - 'because of you believing those unreasonable myths, you make me so inconvenient!' - wow... i agree!!! salute you, my dearie sil!!!
i tried to figure out the reason behind it - never put a mirror in a bedroom. look, i found this...
#feng shui bedroom: do
you should be able to see if someone entering the room. if somehow, you can't place a mirror to reflect the view. mirror can solve many problems for feng shui bedroom.
#a full length mirror is a must
p/s: i think my mil is having this in her mind - 她怕我们的灵魂被吸进镜子里面. what do you think...?
well...what i heard before was that if the mirror facing u as u sleep, your soul will go into the mirror. But hotel rooms always have mirror facing directly the bed. Does your MIL go for holiday? And what did she do with the mirror in hotel room?
i dunno-leh. i've never been in the same hotel room with her and not intending to. hahaha...
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