i have taken this book from the border's book shelf, just some weeks before. i always love romantic-fun love novels and that is probably why i am sooo into cecelia ahern.
i'm gonna try out this novel from 'a little black dress book' by Jo Barrett. surprisingly, her writing is so down to earth!! perhaps a 5 year old understands her content. she makes herself simplest possible and i really admire her writing style. so light and fun but yet factual. the way her words dance in lines, create a big room for imagination. at all times, the facts hit so sharp at points that make me shout out YES loudly to myself. hahaha...
there was one time i laughed to myself in public and people stopped whatever they were doing and stared at me. "yeah, i'm nuts!! who cares? you?? i have something funny in my hands, what u got, huh?? nutty heads??!
there's a part in this book that i particular raise hands & legs, agreeing to it.
gentlemen, if you are dating:
1. models - these are high maintenance girls. they breeze in and out the women's bathroom like an army of paris hiltons. they are slaves to labels and would rather die in a freak bikini-waxing accident than be caught wearing a knockoff.
2. designers - she'll redo your entire wardrobe. they are fix-it girls. they are always in the bathroom fussing with their friend's outfits - pinning, stretching, zipping.
3. makeup artist - they typically carry purses the size of a horse's feedbag. in the bathroom, they may take up all available counter space.
4. hair stylist - if your gf moves in with u, and your electricity bill suddenly and inexplicably skyrockets, you're probably dating a stylist.
are you starting to nod your head, smile to yourself and say YES-wo...??
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