Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sincerely... I Wanna Thank HIM

Hubby and I have been facing some difficulties lately - He's with his and I'm with mine.

When hubby told me about his plan, I did pray hard for him. Once again, GOD has answered my prayers. Hubby's problems are considered partially solved. I can really feel that hubby is more relaxed and eased.

I remember once I told hubby to try praying to GOD, if he faces any difficulties that he can't solve by himself. I'm not sure if he prayed. Yet, I'm very thankful that GOD helps him. Praise the Lord!

As for myself, I always pray to GOD for strength and patience as I'm a superb impatient and easy to give up kinda person. Praise the Lord that HE is slowly guiding me to a transformation, to a person who I'm starting love to be. I wanna thank HIM a thousand million times for this but it seems not enough... Although my problems are not really solved yet, I'm ready to leave all this to HIM, as I'm a man on His palm. I'm very sure that HE has a plan for me and I shall wait patiently.

Praising, worshipping, servicing and obeying to HIM
are all that I wanna do now.
Amen. Amen.

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