Friday, July 25, 2014


It has been quite some time since I last enjoyed such a long holiday. I guess the only thing to be happy of being a FTWM (or being a working mad cow in the corporate world, to be precise) is a long holiday for free!!!

4 days off in a row, what are lining up in the plan? Well, nothing much actually... besides a little celebration for my big baby boy's 33rd birthday! We have not claimed for candlelit dinner, movie date, shopping date, tea time since we have our small baby girl. Yeah, for as long as 2 years now...

The first thing that comes in my mind is - what's for my girl for breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner? I have to ask myself the same old cracking head questions on every Friday or the eve of holiday. Hahahahaha... Preparing food for a kiddo is just too not me :)

Let's gao dim our Saturday first before we head for more exciting days after. Hmm...

Breakfast: Cheese stick that I bought from cake sense, KLCC this afternoon + milk

Lunch: Hub suggests broth from anchovies, baby carrots, tomato and onion for soupy baby pasta. I am gonna add in some cubed potato, maybe stir fry the cubed potato a little bit.

Tea: Milk and cheerios

Dinner: Broth from lunch to cook porridge, served with fried egg and green beans (kacang buncis/鬼豆).

Done deal! Planning for Sunday and I am sure the menu will be more appetizing since we will be going to the wet market in the morning. Yay!

Goodbye Friday and we are welcoming a beautiful Saturday in 25 minutes :)

The little baby is sleeping soundly now though she had been crying to sleep. Her crying to sleep behaviour has been happening for 2 nights consecutively. Hope that she is well, hope that she is just being cranky and not tummy flu or whatever. Pray...

Good night folks!

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