Cranky GGC |
GGC is crying for no reason :( |
This weekend is the longest ever (Friday to Sunday), nanny was on annual leave last Friday.
Taking care of GGC is equivalent to cardio exercise for hours/day. Heart beat fastened by x times, watching her out climbing on sofa, standing on bed, jumping and running all around and stuff like that...
Nanny is always telling me that she is a good girl, always an obedient girl, always a cheeky girl. Most of the time I cannot visualise and feel what nanny describes, GGC is a super manja baby when she is at home with us. She cries over little things and sometimes with no reason, she goes 'ngek ngek ngek'.
This weekend is even worse, she is down with flu on Friday and cough packaged in on Sat. She is even more manja and cries a lot, a lot... I guess more than 50x a day! Myself is down with sore throat, flu, cough and heaty body since last Tuesday and still going... GGC must have got her sickness from me! Sorry, babe... And I am finally down with fever, I am off today, on sick leave... :(
GGC has constipation issue since she started solid at 6m1w old. Apple and sweet potato are the BIG NO NO in her diet! Her constipation issue is still an on-off headache for me. And she constipates this weekend. Argh... Everything comes at a go! Luckily, later in the evening, she releases one big hard stool after we feed her some dragon fruits (She cries out loud as if being slaughtered. LOL~~~). She is so so happy after her bath, running around doing monkey jumps and laughs out loud. I guess she feels less bloated and more comfortable after the release. Hubby says her tummy goes down by a size after the release. LOL~~~
No milk before sleep for her, she has her late dinner at 8pm! Blame it on the evening nap after the swim. Good night, GGC...
P/S: Yet, I say thanks to God for His protection over GGC. If I recall, this is the second time she falls sick. The first was during 2014 Chinese New Year, when we were away for HKG trip and left her with my in-law. She was +/- 12m3w old. She grows healthily :)