Sunday, August 28, 2011


it is getting to the year end and love is filling the air.  i guess the year end in Malaysia should be known as the season of love.  why am i saying so...?

invitation cards to wedding dinner are piling up on the desk and they are like scheduled in my to-do list, every year without fail. this year is started a little late for me, it started in september, which i have one; october another one; three in november and many many in december.

luckily these invitees are not in the same bunch of friends, if not...  i'd have to have a different appearance in each dinner.  i'm not a party person, i don't have many nice dresses standby at home.  hahahahaha :pp

anyways, i'm wishing all couples - have a blessed wedding, may you both live happily ever after. 

seldom i wish the newly wedded - 年生貴子, happiness is the most important thing in our everyday living.  baby comes later when you both are really ready for its arrival.  so, good luck...

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