Monday, October 5, 2009


i've been always telling, reminding, comforting myself that crops shall harvest by the end of the day and for sure, they'll be golden and ripe as time, effort, hard work have been invested in and over. of course, the journey to the harvest might be real difficult and full of obstacles. but all efforts are made worthy when i reach the fruitful harvest.

when the journey is getting more difficult, i'll start asking myself, when it shall harvest, why does it take so long, how long more to hold on and suffer? when i can't get the answers, i'll think of letting go, turning back, regretting, diversify my focus and eventually giving up on what i've been holding on all this while.

i'm wondering if anyone of you, who is reading this post, feel and think the same way as i do. if yes, can i ask you a question, the one that i've been asking myself for years.

when is it time to give up when you're holding on to a thing or mission that you are unsure of the outcome? given the fact that you know the outcome but unsure when you gonna hit it, when is it time to give up?

can somebody help me out... i'm lost...


cheefai7 said...

Keep holding on and it is worth holding on. You will be rewarded more than you think in the end. God grace is suffice.

Patreena.Kam(100cc) said...

thx, chee fai. i hope i could find the right direction soon.