again, i brought up the issue to hubby and we had a casual discussion on having our own family of 2, 3... and 4. knowing that we actually want a family tree like this - papa, mama, 囡囡 and 仔仔, we have to work things out by now. we came to an ideal time for our first 囡囡 - 2011.
let's see what we'll have in our 囡囡:
1. a metal rabbit girl - Feb 3, 2011 to Jan 22, 2012

rabbits love to play under the moonlight. quite fanciful, they respond to the power and beauty of nature and are always being pulled one way and the other to examine what they find. they are the luckiest of all twelve signs! but, it's more a result of 'the harder i work, the luckier i get' than taking crazy chances. they are cautious, conservative, bright, and have a good head for business. supremely pleasant to have around, these affectionate, naturally shy peacemakers seldom ever lose their temper. they sometimes appear to be singing the blues because of a natural but short-lived tendency towards despondency. rabbits always inspire deep admiration and trust.
metal rabbits make a very big deal about the true lasting values of life. to them, fame is ephemeral but reputation is forever. they are the background movers and shakers, never seeking the limelight themselves but always paving the way for others to become successful. among metal rabbits you may find the book agents, the art critics, teachers, political campaigners and the great organizers. although too conservative to catapult themselves onto the map, the successful people who have made it because of them are legends. though not social butterflies, metal rabbits are very likable and have tons of friends because of their sincerity and unabashed kindness. financially, they need to be more conservative! a speculative nature makes them venture into risky territory. if they don't watch their pockets, they're in big time trouble. love life, on the other hand, is nearly perfect. the very caring ways of the metal rabbit lead them to experience poetically quiet and at the same time exquisitely intense relationships.
too bad too sad, the rabbits get along well with goats and boars but have to avoid roosters. both hubby and i am roosters.
2. i wished she could be a gemini - 20 May – 21 June

geminis are curious, talkative, versatile and mentally active. their mind can bounce around from one topic to another with great ease, making them the champion of cocktail party chatter and lighthearted social encounters. others will think that they are fun to be with, but your ability to change with the changing winds can also lead others to see them as shallow.
gemini motto might be 'a rolling stone gathers no moss.' they are the eternally youthful child, no matter their chronological age. a razor-sharp wit can have them verbally dueling with the very best of opponents, who moments later are their best of friends. as they fly through life, they won't forget to take time to smell the flowers.
the air of gemini is always changing direction. first the winds blow one way, then another. it's a metaphor for how their mind solves a puzzle, first thinking one way and then trying a different approach. this is a restless and searching wind.
gemini greatest strength: their curiosity about a variety of interests.
gemini possible weakness: distracting themselves from what is most important.
rabbit + gemini = ??
only God knows... but we will still love our 囡囡 with every beat of our hearts.
honey, gan ba te neh!
i'm not pregnant yet.. la.. wei..
we are only the planners. GOD is the executor of HIS own better plan on us, for us.
but i'm sure HE hears my prayers geh...
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