Friday, October 30, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
CECELIA AHERN - 我爱死你~~!!

i got to know the author (i'd name her wonderful cece) 2 years ago from a close friend. she introduced me to 'where rainbows end' and i'm madly in love with wonderful cece since then.
'where rainbows end' is a funny-romantic novel that writes the greatest friendship in the world. it's all about alex and rosie, from childhood buddies to how they finally hooked up with each another in their 50's.
without hesitation, i got to her earlier novel - p.s. i love you. it's about how holly goes on after the death of her husband, gerry. this is so touching... it actually reminds me to appreciate my loved ones, while time allows...
for those who love reading, try reading hers - strongly recommended!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
no matter how unwilling i am to have a child on my own, i know, eventually i will need to have, want to have, desire to have... happy to have.

rabbits love to play under the moonlight. quite fanciful, they respond to the power and beauty of nature and are always being pulled one way and the other to examine what they find. they are the luckiest of all twelve signs! but, it's more a result of 'the harder i work, the luckier i get' than taking crazy chances. they are cautious, conservative, bright, and have a good head for business. supremely pleasant to have around, these affectionate, naturally shy peacemakers seldom ever lose their temper. they sometimes appear to be singing the blues because of a natural but short-lived tendency towards despondency. rabbits always inspire deep admiration and trust.
metal rabbits make a very big deal about the true lasting values of life. to them, fame is ephemeral but reputation is forever. they are the background movers and shakers, never seeking the limelight themselves but always paving the way for others to become successful. among metal rabbits you may find the book agents, the art critics, teachers, political campaigners and the great organizers. although too conservative to catapult themselves onto the map, the successful people who have made it because of them are legends. though not social butterflies, metal rabbits are very likable and have tons of friends because of their sincerity and unabashed kindness. financially, they need to be more conservative! a speculative nature makes them venture into risky territory. if they don't watch their pockets, they're in big time trouble. love life, on the other hand, is nearly perfect. the very caring ways of the metal rabbit lead them to experience poetically quiet and at the same time exquisitely intense relationships.
too bad too sad, the rabbits get along well with goats and boars but have to avoid roosters. both hubby and i am roosters.
2. i wished she could be a gemini - 20 May – 21 June
geminis are curious, talkative, versatile and mentally active. their mind can bounce around from one topic to another with great ease, making them the champion of cocktail party chatter and lighthearted social encounters. others will think that they are fun to be with, but your ability to change with the changing winds can also lead others to see them as shallow.
gemini motto might be 'a rolling stone gathers no moss.' they are the eternally youthful child, no matter their chronological age. a razor-sharp wit can have them verbally dueling with the very best of opponents, who moments later are their best of friends. as they fly through life, they won't forget to take time to smell the flowers.
the air of gemini is always changing direction. first the winds blow one way, then another. it's a metaphor for how their mind solves a puzzle, first thinking one way and then trying a different approach. this is a restless and searching wind.
gemini greatest strength: their curiosity about a variety of interests.
gemini possible weakness: distracting themselves from what is most important.
again, i brought up the issue to hubby and we had a casual discussion on having our own family of 2, 3... and 4. knowing that we actually want a family tree like this - papa, mama, 囡囡 and 仔仔, we have to work things out by now. we came to an ideal time for our first 囡囡 - 2011.
let's see what we'll have in our 囡囡:
1. a metal rabbit girl - Feb 3, 2011 to Jan 22, 2012

rabbits love to play under the moonlight. quite fanciful, they respond to the power and beauty of nature and are always being pulled one way and the other to examine what they find. they are the luckiest of all twelve signs! but, it's more a result of 'the harder i work, the luckier i get' than taking crazy chances. they are cautious, conservative, bright, and have a good head for business. supremely pleasant to have around, these affectionate, naturally shy peacemakers seldom ever lose their temper. they sometimes appear to be singing the blues because of a natural but short-lived tendency towards despondency. rabbits always inspire deep admiration and trust.
metal rabbits make a very big deal about the true lasting values of life. to them, fame is ephemeral but reputation is forever. they are the background movers and shakers, never seeking the limelight themselves but always paving the way for others to become successful. among metal rabbits you may find the book agents, the art critics, teachers, political campaigners and the great organizers. although too conservative to catapult themselves onto the map, the successful people who have made it because of them are legends. though not social butterflies, metal rabbits are very likable and have tons of friends because of their sincerity and unabashed kindness. financially, they need to be more conservative! a speculative nature makes them venture into risky territory. if they don't watch their pockets, they're in big time trouble. love life, on the other hand, is nearly perfect. the very caring ways of the metal rabbit lead them to experience poetically quiet and at the same time exquisitely intense relationships.
too bad too sad, the rabbits get along well with goats and boars but have to avoid roosters. both hubby and i am roosters.
2. i wished she could be a gemini - 20 May – 21 June

geminis are curious, talkative, versatile and mentally active. their mind can bounce around from one topic to another with great ease, making them the champion of cocktail party chatter and lighthearted social encounters. others will think that they are fun to be with, but your ability to change with the changing winds can also lead others to see them as shallow.
gemini motto might be 'a rolling stone gathers no moss.' they are the eternally youthful child, no matter their chronological age. a razor-sharp wit can have them verbally dueling with the very best of opponents, who moments later are their best of friends. as they fly through life, they won't forget to take time to smell the flowers.
the air of gemini is always changing direction. first the winds blow one way, then another. it's a metaphor for how their mind solves a puzzle, first thinking one way and then trying a different approach. this is a restless and searching wind.
gemini greatest strength: their curiosity about a variety of interests.
gemini possible weakness: distracting themselves from what is most important.
rabbit + gemini = ??
only God knows... but we will still love our 囡囡 with every beat of our hearts.
honey, gan ba te neh!
can anyone tell me, distinguishably, what are the differences between 璜行霸道 and aggresive? Obviously, the first is a negative charge and the second is a positive.
we try to be aggresive but people take us for granted and become '璜行霸道者'. 太残忍了!
we try to be aggresive but people take us for granted and become '璜行霸道者'. 太残忍了!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
稻香 周杰伦
稻香 周杰伦
为你写的歌 方大同
国王皇后 大嘴巴
没有如果 梁静茹
二缺一 蔡卓妍
如果我变成回忆 TANK
原谅我就是这样的女生 戴佩妮
小酒窝 林俊杰/蔡卓妍
如果能在一起 梁静茹
不要说话 陈奕迅
你不是真正的快乐 五月天
捞月亮的人 杨千桦
鱼 陈绮贞
Allegro Opus 3.3am 陈奕迅
寂寞先生 曹格
分生 张惠妹
我的回忆不是我的 海明威/泳儿
日光 苏打绿
PK 梁静茹/曹格
说好的幸福呢 周杰伦
由你选择 林俊杰 feat. 农夫
由你选择 林俊杰 feat. 农夫
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
可不可以不要上班 + MINA
thanks to regine - she lent me a lifestyle comic that describes and reflects the truth of each and everyone of our own mankind - people who DO NOT LIKE/DO NOT WANT to go to work and yet NEED to go to work - 可怜的上班一族. 即刻让我想起早上几唔愿意爬起来上班的心情.有少少想死的感觉. 哈哈哈...
back to the comic... let me try to conclude it. erm... basically, it's quite realistic. illustrations are simple but not expressive, i'd say. short storyboard, some even one box says it all. wordings, dialogues and bubbles are in simple chinese (i also can understand, means very simple). funny and close to heart, kinda thing...
i rate it 6 outta 10. can be read more than once but not too close in between. it's definitely not the kinda material that can make you laugh and laugh over it, over and over again, continuously.
what about... when you feel like no motivation to work, get it opened, read a few pages, have a great laugh. perhaps, you will be enlightened up and motivated. who knows this might work a way out... hey, i heard someone saying, 'haa... that means i need to read the comic everyday-lo?!'
wakakakaka~~~ come on... a better day's awaiting for us...
sold at only RM9.00 (WM) and RM11 (WM) respectively at newsstands and bookstores all over m'sia. easy access, interesting and some how or rather, educational.
the compact part of the mag is the beauty headlines. skincare and makeup take the major part - it introduces a lot of brands and the best part is the comparison among all brands. cleo mag sometimes will have this kinda concept but maybe a few rounds in a year. but mina is crazy... it's almost in every publish. thumbs up!!
but what i like the most is the the last page - message from mina. normally it publishes 6 messages from respective depts - from the editor, art director, column designer, fashion writer to the beauty writer. their writeup here are more like columnists - sometimes sentimental, sometimes raw, sometimes funny and sometimes abstract.
i enjoy reading it. hope you enjoy reading it too!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
packed, tired, restored, rushed, relaxed, occupied, meaningful, restless, drunk, laughed, comforted, rested, touched, warmth, hugs, kisses, laughter,stomach upset...
the past 4 days were full of these. 4 rest days are in fact, not sufficient to re-experience any of these but i'm glad that they happened to both of us. i'm already grateful that we didn't end up quarrelling and fighting. the days were so peaceful and joyful :)
well, the plan didn't work out as scheduled but we did everything listed. just that the sequences were a little different, which i believe have worked out better than planned.
sat (10 oct 2009)
0800 morning walk @ frim
*we were still sleeping (as predicted). hahaha... hubby called me up @ 7.00am but i was just too sleepy. i continued my happy time with 'mr. chow'. it was my turn to call hubby up @ 8.30am and this round was his fault. he wanted to sleep... i guessed must be the affection of his 'ms. chow'. hahaha... not being able to continue sleeping, i woke up for housework*
1000 dim sum for bfast
*finished housework @ 10.30am. my stomach had alarmed for food... i was so hungry, duh... took a quick shower and went out for brunch @ selayang area - 滑蛋河,福建面,炸付竹卷 and fried kangkung with belacan. yeah... only 2 of us. yeah... we were like been starving for ages. hahaha...*
*while we were eating, hubby said he had thought of going to a beach so that he could really relax. but looking at all the tsunami alerts alarming the whole world, i was quite reluctant to join him. in the end, i actually turned him down. he also mentioned how beaches could complete his life and i was like... gosh, i made the whole thing sucked! he wanted to be at the beach so badly... i always know that but not knowing that beaches could actually complete his life. i did sthing wrong here or what...*
*as i was struggling whether or not to go ahead for pangkor island...he suddenly said, 'but you complete my life, perfectly, which i'll always choose u'. oh... that was just too sweet... so, we stayed back. hehehe...*
1130 reach home + do housework + shower
*we really had a long lunch - eating, chatting, reading newspaper and we reached home @ 2.00pm. we are really addicted to tv and we couldn't live without one and yes, we watched tv a little till 3.30pm and i bathed again - the weather was hot, baby!! there we off for my haircut.*
1430 hair cut
*as planned - yeah yeah yeah... at last there was one... although it was actually at 1600*
1600 shopping for anniversary gift
*wholly shit... we reached the hair salon @ 1700 - an hour late! didn't know what had happened to the traffic flow!! finished my haircut @ 1745 and we headed back to cheras for a while - i missed my mum :)*
1900 dinner
*we planned to have our dinner with ah bui & ah kiat and decided to meet up @ 1930. we went to our all time favourite - 上汤啦啦 @ pudu. yummy!! of course we ordered 上汤啦啦,虾酱炸鸡,蒸水蛋,烧肉炒芥兰 and assam 苏东. wow... so delicious - i even added a small bowl of rice. hahaha... after dinner, we were discussing where to go for our beer later. from the dance floor, we moved to a bar with pool, darts, dices and poker cards*
2100 bear bear *means beer beer* clubbing follows...
*the 7 heaven, it was called. it's located in phileo damansara and it is a nice place although we nearly fell asleep. hahaha... the 'cocktail' we ordered tasted real good... the 七步醉 - a mixture of beer, stout, sour plum, 绍庆酒 and some other 'secret recipes'. it is so called the 七步醉. really not bad...*
*0230 散水 - on our way back to cheras, hubby asked for a stop at the roadside for a HPV process - highly productive vomiting process. hahaha... he was drunk! at last... he has released and relieved. he has let everything inside him out.*
*i drove him back home and if i'm not mistaken, it was the third time i drive him in a car. he always refuse to let me drive him, he has no confidence in me. for him, i'm sucks in driving, which i also admit. i'm not familiar with reverse parking after been driving for more than 2 years. kakaka... ripley's believe it or not, i bet it has my record awaiting to be posted up!*
sun (11 oct 2009)
1000 a nice bfast - have not thought of anything good yet
*i woke up @ 1000 for FB. i have forgotten about harvesting my farm. the 12-hours plants were all wittered, sigh... wasted a little coins because of this. i tried to wake hubby up @ 1100 as we had a date with ah bui & ah kiat for brunch @ cheras. strongly recommended by daryl, we wanted to give it a try - 牛筋丸... hooh... steam 啊!mamamia... 好吃!*
1200 movie marathon - target 3 to 4 movies continuously
*we went for a karaoke session @ greenbox, sg wang. we got ourselves a 3-free-1 promo, a jug, a pint of beer and stewed sausages for free. a 3-hour session killed us with every one's childish and stupid 台风. hahaha...*
1700 shopping for anniversary gift
*it was the last day of I-Setan 3 Days Special Sales. grabbed a shirt for hubby at 40% discount - worthy!! but i didn't get anything for myself. 失败! 我假假底都系个shopping queen 啦.
1800 klang seafood for dinner
*heading to klang for seafood dinner and we actually jammed till we reached the bridge way up to klang. sigh... hungry and tired but satisfied. of course we had 蒸老鼠斑,蒸老虎虾,酸甜螃蟹+蒸面包,啦啦炒米粉 and 公宝苏东. it felt like we've missed out something, something what we longing for for this seafood dinner. what was that?? as we couldn't figure it out, we simply ordered 2 grilled crabs, recommended by the lady boss. i tell you straight to your face - that's it! the grilled crabs. it was the one that we were longing for. 1 description says it all - marvelous! a must try dish!!
*2230 back home with full stomach
mon (12 oct 2009)
1200 lunch @ greenbox
*of course we wouldn't be going for karaoke today. today gotta be the dim sum day! woke up @ 12oo and went out scouting for the dim sum restaurant located behind the brem mall, kepong. hmm... it is closed on mondays. sigh... we made our long way to kuchai lama for dim sum. for me, it didn't taste nice at all but hubby gave a thumb up for its porridge and 糯米鸡.
1430 onwards - planning... planning... planning...
*we reached home @ around 1400 and not planning to go anywhere. i was having a terrible stomach upset, it was just stomachache and i didn't feel like going to the toilet. it was only 斋痛... later @ 1700, hubby went out for food tasting while i stayed home for dinner and rest. we considered today as our as our rest day.
tues (13 oct 2009)
???? gonna sleep till God calls
*woke up @ 1000 and headed for our dim sum breakfast. we thought we gonna be disappointed again when we saw the shop was closed. after some observation, we realised that the shop has been moved to another location, just a street in front of the current. phew... luckily we drove nearer and saw the notice. as usual, we ordered 虾饺,烧卖,鱼蛋,肠粉,糯米鸡, 皮蛋瘦肉粥 and 虾卷. yummy yummy... at least better than the kuchai lama's*
???? brunch / tea time
*next we headed to klcc for movie and shopping. we went in for surrogates, starred bruce willis. hmm... not anything special and as norm, he is always the hero. someone who nonetheless like will smith. 打不死的精神和躯壳 - rated 2 outta 5. it has past the I-Setan 3 Days Special Sales but hubby still managed to get himself a shirt at 20% discount. of course i paid for it. another anniversary gift from me : )
???? onwards - rest rest rest and rest...
*had promised mum to be back for dinner. we hoped so much for ABC soup but unfortunately, mum didn't buy enough ingredients. instead, she cooked us pork chop with potato and 猪肚汤. home cooked food is always home cooked food and mum's cooking is always the best - satisfied!
reached home at 2130 and quickly we took showers and get ready to bed. tomorrow gonna be a long day for both of us - our first day back to work after 4 rest days. should be-charged and energetic but i don't feel any better. hahaha... too lazy, too comfortable...
i blame hubby for not buying me any anniversary gifts. he did ask if i need anything. to be frank, i don't need anything. basically i have everything. but i still blame him for not making effort to get me a special gift. hahaha....
but honey, the 4 days we spent together were the biggest gifts ever and i treasure every minute we are together. no other gift is better than this. thank you for the time and initiative to making this possible and happened. i love you honey...
the past 4 days were full of these. 4 rest days are in fact, not sufficient to re-experience any of these but i'm glad that they happened to both of us. i'm already grateful that we didn't end up quarrelling and fighting. the days were so peaceful and joyful :)
well, the plan didn't work out as scheduled but we did everything listed. just that the sequences were a little different, which i believe have worked out better than planned.
sat (10 oct 2009)
0800 morning walk @ frim
*we were still sleeping (as predicted). hahaha... hubby called me up @ 7.00am but i was just too sleepy. i continued my happy time with 'mr. chow'. it was my turn to call hubby up @ 8.30am and this round was his fault. he wanted to sleep... i guessed must be the affection of his 'ms. chow'. hahaha... not being able to continue sleeping, i woke up for housework*
1000 dim sum for bfast
*finished housework @ 10.30am. my stomach had alarmed for food... i was so hungry, duh... took a quick shower and went out for brunch @ selayang area - 滑蛋河,福建面,炸付竹卷 and fried kangkung with belacan. yeah... only 2 of us. yeah... we were like been starving for ages. hahaha...*
*while we were eating, hubby said he had thought of going to a beach so that he could really relax. but looking at all the tsunami alerts alarming the whole world, i was quite reluctant to join him. in the end, i actually turned him down. he also mentioned how beaches could complete his life and i was like... gosh, i made the whole thing sucked! he wanted to be at the beach so badly... i always know that but not knowing that beaches could actually complete his life. i did sthing wrong here or what...*
*as i was struggling whether or not to go ahead for pangkor island...he suddenly said, 'but you complete my life, perfectly, which i'll always choose u'. oh... that was just too sweet... so, we stayed back. hehehe...*
1130 reach home + do housework + shower
*we really had a long lunch - eating, chatting, reading newspaper and we reached home @ 2.00pm. we are really addicted to tv and we couldn't live without one and yes, we watched tv a little till 3.30pm and i bathed again - the weather was hot, baby!! there we off for my haircut.*
1430 hair cut
*as planned - yeah yeah yeah... at last there was one... although it was actually at 1600*
1600 shopping for anniversary gift
*wholly shit... we reached the hair salon @ 1700 - an hour late! didn't know what had happened to the traffic flow!! finished my haircut @ 1745 and we headed back to cheras for a while - i missed my mum :)*
1900 dinner
*we planned to have our dinner with ah bui & ah kiat and decided to meet up @ 1930. we went to our all time favourite - 上汤啦啦 @ pudu. yummy!! of course we ordered 上汤啦啦,虾酱炸鸡,蒸水蛋,烧肉炒芥兰 and assam 苏东. wow... so delicious - i even added a small bowl of rice. hahaha... after dinner, we were discussing where to go for our beer later. from the dance floor, we moved to a bar with pool, darts, dices and poker cards*
2100 bear bear *means beer beer* clubbing follows...
*the 7 heaven, it was called. it's located in phileo damansara and it is a nice place although we nearly fell asleep. hahaha... the 'cocktail' we ordered tasted real good... the 七步醉 - a mixture of beer, stout, sour plum, 绍庆酒 and some other 'secret recipes'. it is so called the 七步醉. really not bad...*
*0230 散水 - on our way back to cheras, hubby asked for a stop at the roadside for a HPV process - highly productive vomiting process. hahaha... he was drunk! at last... he has released and relieved. he has let everything inside him out.*
*i drove him back home and if i'm not mistaken, it was the third time i drive him in a car. he always refuse to let me drive him, he has no confidence in me. for him, i'm sucks in driving, which i also admit. i'm not familiar with reverse parking after been driving for more than 2 years. kakaka... ripley's believe it or not, i bet it has my record awaiting to be posted up!*
sun (11 oct 2009)
1000 a nice bfast - have not thought of anything good yet
*i woke up @ 1000 for FB. i have forgotten about harvesting my farm. the 12-hours plants were all wittered, sigh... wasted a little coins because of this. i tried to wake hubby up @ 1100 as we had a date with ah bui & ah kiat for brunch @ cheras. strongly recommended by daryl, we wanted to give it a try - 牛筋丸... hooh... steam 啊!mamamia... 好吃!*
1200 movie marathon - target 3 to 4 movies continuously
*we went for a karaoke session @ greenbox, sg wang. we got ourselves a 3-free-1 promo, a jug, a pint of beer and stewed sausages for free. a 3-hour session killed us with every one's childish and stupid 台风. hahaha...*
1700 shopping for anniversary gift
*it was the last day of I-Setan 3 Days Special Sales. grabbed a shirt for hubby at 40% discount - worthy!! but i didn't get anything for myself. 失败! 我假假底都系个shopping queen 啦.
1800 klang seafood for dinner
*heading to klang for seafood dinner and we actually jammed till we reached the bridge way up to klang. sigh... hungry and tired but satisfied. of course we had 蒸老鼠斑,蒸老虎虾,酸甜螃蟹+蒸面包,啦啦炒米粉 and 公宝苏东. it felt like we've missed out something, something what we longing for for this seafood dinner. what was that?? as we couldn't figure it out, we simply ordered 2 grilled crabs, recommended by the lady boss. i tell you straight to your face - that's it! the grilled crabs. it was the one that we were longing for. 1 description says it all - marvelous! a must try dish!!
*2230 back home with full stomach
mon (12 oct 2009)
1200 lunch @ greenbox
*of course we wouldn't be going for karaoke today. today gotta be the dim sum day! woke up @ 12oo and went out scouting for the dim sum restaurant located behind the brem mall, kepong. hmm... it is closed on mondays. sigh... we made our long way to kuchai lama for dim sum. for me, it didn't taste nice at all but hubby gave a thumb up for its porridge and 糯米鸡.
1430 onwards - planning... planning... planning...
*we reached home @ around 1400 and not planning to go anywhere. i was having a terrible stomach upset, it was just stomachache and i didn't feel like going to the toilet. it was only 斋痛... later @ 1700, hubby went out for food tasting while i stayed home for dinner and rest. we considered today as our as our rest day.
tues (13 oct 2009)
???? gonna sleep till God calls
*woke up @ 1000 and headed for our dim sum breakfast. we thought we gonna be disappointed again when we saw the shop was closed. after some observation, we realised that the shop has been moved to another location, just a street in front of the current. phew... luckily we drove nearer and saw the notice. as usual, we ordered 虾饺,烧卖,鱼蛋,肠粉,糯米鸡, 皮蛋瘦肉粥 and 虾卷. yummy yummy... at least better than the kuchai lama's*
???? brunch / tea time
*next we headed to klcc for movie and shopping. we went in for surrogates, starred bruce willis. hmm... not anything special and as norm, he is always the hero. someone who nonetheless like will smith. 打不死的精神和躯壳 - rated 2 outta 5. it has past the I-Setan 3 Days Special Sales but hubby still managed to get himself a shirt at 20% discount. of course i paid for it. another anniversary gift from me : )
???? onwards - rest rest rest and rest...
*had promised mum to be back for dinner. we hoped so much for ABC soup but unfortunately, mum didn't buy enough ingredients. instead, she cooked us pork chop with potato and 猪肚汤. home cooked food is always home cooked food and mum's cooking is always the best - satisfied!
reached home at 2130 and quickly we took showers and get ready to bed. tomorrow gonna be a long day for both of us - our first day back to work after 4 rest days. should be-charged and energetic but i don't feel any better. hahaha... too lazy, too comfortable...
i blame hubby for not buying me any anniversary gifts. he did ask if i need anything. to be frank, i don't need anything. basically i have everything. but i still blame him for not making effort to get me a special gift. hahaha....
but honey, the 4 days we spent together were the biggest gifts ever and i treasure every minute we are together. no other gift is better than this. thank you for the time and initiative to making this possible and happened. i love you honey...

my hair looks dead. i wanna do sthing to bring it back to live - colouring.
i want sthing outstanding but not bright. i want sthing contrast but not blonde.
i can't decide among 6.46, 7.43 and 6.66.
this is too hard for me to decide in the middle of the night.
deadline will be this saturday.
Monday, October 12, 2009
原来老公想庆祝 12 OCT
today marks an extremely important date for both hubby and i - our 1st marriage anniversary. at first i thought hubby wanna celebrate it on the 8th nov till he wished me 'happy anniversary' this afternoon.
time flies in jet, it is now a year from the day we swore to each other, that we will care for, love, tolerate, hold on to each other, no matter during ups and downs, rich and poor. i still remember the tears that i shedded from hubby's face on that day. i can still feel the heat of his tears and i'm still touched that he loves me still, that much.
after going through so much happiness and unhapiness, joys and irrations, laughter and tears, after we have shared so much stories, dreams and opinions, hubby, you are still the one and i think i've fallen for you, all over again.
I don't know but I think I maybe fallin' for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should keep this to myself
Waiting 'til I know you better
I am trying not to tell you
I am trying not to tell you
But I want to
I'm scared of what you'll say
So I'm hiding what I'm feeling
But I'm tired of holding this inside my head
I've been spending all my time just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life and now I found ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
As I'm standing here and you hold my hand
As I'm standing here and you hold my hand
Pull me towards you and we start to dance
All around us I see nobody
Here in silence
It's just you and me
I'm trying not to tell you
I'm trying not to tell you
But I want to
I'm scared of what you'll say
So I'm hiding what I'm feeling
But I'm tired of holding this inside my head
I've been spending all my time just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life and now I found ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
Oh I just can't take it
Oh I just can't take it
My heart is racing
The emotions keep spinning out
I've been spending all my time just thinking about ya
I've been spending all my time just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life and now I found ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
I can't stop thinking about it
I can't stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can't hide it
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
Happy Anniversary, Honey.
May our love blossom everyday, more as we grow.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
when i asked hubby if he wanna join me for a bangkok trip from 7th - 11th nov, he straightaway rejected me. huhu~~ this could be due to his tight work schedule during year end / critical budget constraint / he never thought that it actually falls on our 1st anniversary / this / that / etc... so many possibilities came crossed my mind at that moment.
whatsoever it is, it's now not possible for us to celebrate our anniversary on the exact date. sigh... no choice, we gotta plan sthing earlier, which is the coming sat - tues. both of us have applied for 2 days annual leave and gonna spend our precious time together.
i have not had a 4-days-in-a-row rest for quite some time. it's kinda hard for me to plan for the itinerary. i really don't wanna waste this round of rest days and i really wanna do everything that we wished to do but 'tak kesampaian' due to our busyness.
how about this...
sat (10 oct 2009)
0800 morning walk @ frim
1000 dim sum for bfast
1130 reach home + do housework + shower
1430 hair cut
1600 shopping for anniversary gift
1900 dinner
2100 bear bear *means beer beer*
clubbing follows...
sun (11 oct 2009)
1000 a nice bfast - have not thought of anything good yet
1200 movie marathon - target 3 to 4 movies continuously
1800 klang seafood for dinner
mon (12 oct 2009)
1200 lunch @ greenbox
1430 onwards - planning... planning... planning...
tues (13 oct 2009)
???? gonna sleep till God calls
???? brunch / tea time
???? onwards - rest rest rest and rest...
let's see if the plan works accordingly :)
whatsoever it is, it's now not possible for us to celebrate our anniversary on the exact date. sigh... no choice, we gotta plan sthing earlier, which is the coming sat - tues. both of us have applied for 2 days annual leave and gonna spend our precious time together.
i have not had a 4-days-in-a-row rest for quite some time. it's kinda hard for me to plan for the itinerary. i really don't wanna waste this round of rest days and i really wanna do everything that we wished to do but 'tak kesampaian' due to our busyness.
how about this...
sat (10 oct 2009)
0800 morning walk @ frim
1000 dim sum for bfast
1130 reach home + do housework + shower
1430 hair cut
1600 shopping for anniversary gift
1900 dinner
2100 bear bear *means beer beer*
clubbing follows...
sun (11 oct 2009)
1000 a nice bfast - have not thought of anything good yet
1200 movie marathon - target 3 to 4 movies continuously
1800 klang seafood for dinner
mon (12 oct 2009)
1200 lunch @ greenbox
1430 onwards - planning... planning... planning...
tues (13 oct 2009)
???? gonna sleep till God calls
???? brunch / tea time
???? onwards - rest rest rest and rest...
let's see if the plan works accordingly :)
Monday, October 5, 2009
i've been always telling, reminding, comforting myself that crops shall harvest by the end of the day and for sure, they'll be golden and ripe as time, effort, hard work have been invested in and over. of course, the journey to the harvest might be real difficult and full of obstacles. but all efforts are made worthy when i reach the fruitful harvest.
when the journey is getting more difficult, i'll start asking myself, when it shall harvest, why does it take so long, how long more to hold on and suffer? when i can't get the answers, i'll think of letting go, turning back, regretting, diversify my focus and eventually giving up on what i've been holding on all this while.
i'm wondering if anyone of you, who is reading this post, feel and think the same way as i do. if yes, can i ask you a question, the one that i've been asking myself for years.
when is it time to give up when you're holding on to a thing or mission that you are unsure of the outcome? given the fact that you know the outcome but unsure when you gonna hit it, when is it time to give up?
can somebody help me out... i'm lost...
when the journey is getting more difficult, i'll start asking myself, when it shall harvest, why does it take so long, how long more to hold on and suffer? when i can't get the answers, i'll think of letting go, turning back, regretting, diversify my focus and eventually giving up on what i've been holding on all this while.
i'm wondering if anyone of you, who is reading this post, feel and think the same way as i do. if yes, can i ask you a question, the one that i've been asking myself for years.
when is it time to give up when you're holding on to a thing or mission that you are unsure of the outcome? given the fact that you know the outcome but unsure when you gonna hit it, when is it time to give up?
can somebody help me out... i'm lost...
i left office quite early today, simply for the big dinner with hubby @ tai thong restaurant, kelab darul ehsan. he has an appointment for food tasting and i just follow him for good free food. haha...
this is the third time i'm visiting this club for food. too bad... it's halal, no pork. huhu~~ still, the food tastes nice.
i'm now waiting anxiously for the food to come. i'm soooo darn hungry!!!
i'm back after 2 hours time. the food doesn't taste nice at all. in fact, a little too erm... awful. i guess the chef must be unhappy, perhaps, he is broken hearted. i could taste sourness in every dish. yucks...
this is the third time i'm visiting this club for food. too bad... it's halal, no pork. huhu~~ still, the food tastes nice.
i'm now waiting anxiously for the food to come. i'm soooo darn hungry!!!
i'm back after 2 hours time. the food doesn't taste nice at all. in fact, a little too erm... awful. i guess the chef must be unhappy, perhaps, he is broken hearted. i could taste sourness in every dish. yucks...
Saturday, October 3, 2009
wake up as early as 8.00am on a saturday is a kinda way of self-torturing. i wished i could be a piggy for the next 12 hrs. hahahaha...
no choice, got instructed by my mil to help put in the kitchen. to be frank, i'm very reluctant to help. our style of working things out in the kitchen is really different. not to mention the technical part like cutting the steamed chicken and cooking dishes, i like to work easily and slowly but she wants things out fast. moreover, the temp maid is here today, helping her with the washings and cleanings. basically, not much help i could extend. end up, i just help hanging the clothes out to the sun :)
festive brunch at 10.00am later. what in the world that makes us having rice and dinner dishes at this early hour?! hubby has to work till late night and i have to attend a wedding dinner of a colleague, so... that's why...
wondering if we could start eating at 10.00am. prayers still 'on-ing'... sienz... (gotta wait patiently). huhu~~~
no choice, got instructed by my mil to help put in the kitchen. to be frank, i'm very reluctant to help. our style of working things out in the kitchen is really different. not to mention the technical part like cutting the steamed chicken and cooking dishes, i like to work easily and slowly but she wants things out fast. moreover, the temp maid is here today, helping her with the washings and cleanings. basically, not much help i could extend. end up, i just help hanging the clothes out to the sun :)
festive brunch at 10.00am later. what in the world that makes us having rice and dinner dishes at this early hour?! hubby has to work till late night and i have to attend a wedding dinner of a colleague, so... that's why...
wondering if we could start eating at 10.00am. prayers still 'on-ing'... sienz... (gotta wait patiently). huhu~~~
Friday, October 2, 2009
the last month end was truly a disaster. in fact, every month end is a disaster. but last month was worse than anything previously experienced. it was a puasa month and of course a raya month. it was a wedding month for a colleague. and we were down by 3 headcounts.
i have not fully recovered from the last virus attack. i'm still experiencing dizziness, headache, chest pain, joints and muscles pain. and yet, i still need to commit to a (at least) 11 hrs-a-day job. i'm totally exhausted!! as at today, i am still being brought forward from the effect of the last month end closing.
because of my job, i have missed dinners with hubby and the both families. because of my job, i have missed all outings with friends. because of my job, i have skipped my routine house work - a full basket of dirty clothes, unattended; a mountain high clothes on the bed, unfolded; uncountable fallen hair on the floor, not swept; thousands mails lying on the bedside table, unread. because of my job, i have skipped my routine facial appointments. because of my job, i have skipped my morning devotions to God. because of my job, i have to suffer from headaches, body aches, tiredness, dark circles, wrinkles. all because of my job!!!!!
i'm frustrated and tired... i teared to sleep yesterday night, without a reason. simply because i was too tired and stressed. luckily hubby was with me, comforted me and assured me that everything would be fine and great. but the more he comforted me, the more i wanted to sob things out. at last, i didn't manage to say anything except... thank you, honey. thank you for being there for me when i needed you the most. a warm hug did it all...
thinking and doing things positively are always the manners in life that everyone must have. too much positive charge, may too, need a time to discharge and re-charge. yesterday was the discharge, today is the turnaround and i'm sure that tomorrow will be the re-charge.
why would i say so...?
because of my job, i get to know you, you, you and you. because of my job, i laugh more than this, this, this and this. because of my job, i learn this, this, this and this. because of my job, i see and experience more than this, this, this and this...
i have not fully recovered from the last virus attack. i'm still experiencing dizziness, headache, chest pain, joints and muscles pain. and yet, i still need to commit to a (at least) 11 hrs-a-day job. i'm totally exhausted!! as at today, i am still being brought forward from the effect of the last month end closing.
because of my job, i have missed dinners with hubby and the both families. because of my job, i have missed all outings with friends. because of my job, i have skipped my routine house work - a full basket of dirty clothes, unattended; a mountain high clothes on the bed, unfolded; uncountable fallen hair on the floor, not swept; thousands mails lying on the bedside table, unread. because of my job, i have skipped my routine facial appointments. because of my job, i have skipped my morning devotions to God. because of my job, i have to suffer from headaches, body aches, tiredness, dark circles, wrinkles. all because of my job!!!!!
i'm frustrated and tired... i teared to sleep yesterday night, without a reason. simply because i was too tired and stressed. luckily hubby was with me, comforted me and assured me that everything would be fine and great. but the more he comforted me, the more i wanted to sob things out. at last, i didn't manage to say anything except... thank you, honey. thank you for being there for me when i needed you the most. a warm hug did it all...
thinking and doing things positively are always the manners in life that everyone must have. too much positive charge, may too, need a time to discharge and re-charge. yesterday was the discharge, today is the turnaround and i'm sure that tomorrow will be the re-charge.
why would i say so...?
because of my job, i get to know you, you, you and you. because of my job, i laugh more than this, this, this and this. because of my job, i learn this, this, this and this. because of my job, i see and experience more than this, this, this and this...
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