U mZ bE wOndeRing wHo's iN Da HouSe toDay??!
PerHaps, u KnoW TheM bEtter...
th3 3 gOOd friEnDs & thE DR...
AnD ThE GirLfriEnds...
i remembered flipping over the comic at about age of 6, started to understand its content during primary school days, tried to study its traditional chinese words in standard 6, loved the comic during secondary school days, kept the consistency of buying the comic since then.i really love the concept of its short stories - the least of 4 story boxes and the most of 8 story boxes. it's really a bravo thing to make people understand a story in just 4 story boxes, especially for lazy people like me - the shorter the better. hahaha...
28 years of my life; they have accompanied me for more than half of my life. my deepest appreciation to mr. alfonso wong for bringing out these characters so lively and influencial. although they are sometimes stupid and dumb, they have made me laughed in tears.
the best part of the comic is when the old master Q says this to ms. chan...
'missy chan, you are my moon, stars and sun.
will u marry me / will u go out with me?'
sounds familiar?
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