
after so many days of walking under the direct sun and carrying heavy shopping bags, our tired legs, arms and skin needed extra care. so we decided to go for a spa. our hotel recommended rangnam spa. good service - the spa even sent a mpv to fetch us from the hotel to the spa. i have no idea whether this is expensive or reasonable - RM210 for a 2-hour spa, which includes whole body scrub, oil and thai massage. i tried out jasmine body scrub and orchid oil massage.
i always reject 'invitations' to massages and spa treatments. i just dislike the feeling of being rubbed and massaged. the feeling is like... they are dealing with my bones, breaking and reunited them back again rather than dealing with my pressure points. perhaps, it's not an easy way to deal with my skinny body, though. it's kinda like touch me - touch bones. hahahahaha...
bangkok, thailand isn't a place for me, i'd say. the weather is too hot & wet. the rain falls without alarm. imagine this... sweat + dust + drizzling rain = dirt. rain falls for one minute or two, bright sun appears again. back to dirt + sweat + dust + drizzling rain (if you are really bad luck) = 2x dirt. yeerr... i hate this!!
correct me if i'm wrong - BANGKOK is the CAPITAL of THAILAND. yet... the place is so so so dirty. dah tahu kotor takpe, lagi takde tong sampah. apa nak jadi ni...??!! really can't find a dustbin along the road, not even one. of course, wastage are dumped everywhere on the road.
another thing... the electrical wires connected among lamp posts. the wires are just like the ang mos' hair locks. OMG...
the famous street food are sold by the roadsides. perhaps, just beside the engines of cars and tut tuts. eating them is like swallowing dust. argh... our mamak and lok lok are better still!
the best part i hate about this place - TRAFFIC JAM. no matter it's a morning, afternoon, evening or night time, cars, tut tuts, motorcycles, bicycles and all other unlisted vehicle types are on every road in bangkok. i'm not sure if they are parked on the roads or waiting for the time to move. really makes me feel sick and headache. i should not be visiting bangkok in the next years, not before i can forget the frustrations that i have experienced.
p/s: future bangkok visitors - please bring along a mini fan, wet tissue and a person / directory that guides you to the food. fashion items are no more cheap there, please bring more THB.