Sunday, November 28, 2010
gotta sleep earlier today for a dream to reveal a 4-digit number. hahahahaha~~~
tomorrow will be a long day... need to wake up early to leave the house with kiat & daryl, go back home to do some clean ups, fetch mum & dad, jarod & amelie over to my home, ceremony time at 11.00am, bring all out for lunch, do some cooking and desserts in the afternoon, accompany the kids to swimming pool in the evening and prepare for a steamboat dinner for 55 pax.
i'm really looking forward for tomorrow to end and have a good rest the day after... please allow me...
Saturday, November 27, 2010
tomorrow is going to be another busy day, last minute shopping, clean up and that's it, here comes 29 nov!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
i thought the steamboat dinner would only for close family members and friends of my in-laws. i heard there are more coming from the hometown. gosh... shit!!! it would be a long day... yeah, i know i should be happy that so many people are celebrating with us, that so many people are happy for us... yeah, yeah, yeah... it could be a happy one, maybe...
everything is progressing well... i have to pack things up in boxes tonight, i have to shop for groceries tomorrow night, i have to move things over on thursday night, i have to complete some house chores on whole of friday, i have to wait for my in-laws to come over on saturday afternoon for some chinese ceremony and i have to do a final countdown on sunday.
wish me luck, bro & sis, pals & friends... : )
Friday, November 19, 2010

wednesday - it was a public holiday and of course we would want to utilise the day to clean the greatest mess in the world - our new home sweet home. everything that we bought for our home, from the thing we planned to put them in toilets, kitchen, bedrooms and study room was put in the living hall, on the floor. can you imagine this and do you think we need to clean this up...???
friday - my colleagues and i have been planning to clear the store room in our office quite some time ago due to the scheduled shifting from wisma UOAII to plaza sentral in january (tentative... again). we started clearing the room at 9.30am and called it a day at 5.45pm. phew... what a tiring day...
just received sms-es from my colleagues:-
1. put counterpain on my whole body. now whole body super cool, 发冷...
2. semua tulang pecah. have a good rest everyone. i'm going pig now.
saturday - i swear this saturday will be the last day i'm doing heavy duty cleaning for our new home sweet home. i really want to put an end to this superb tiring activity. we have geared up with brooms, dustpan, floor mops, toilet brushes... let's do it hard, babe... wahahahaha~~~
sunday - a shopping day @ ikea - main target - TV bench : )
Sunday, November 14, 2010
还记得他送我的一份礼物 - 一本他的日记,记载他当时在外国的生活。现在,就是这一本日记陪我一起想念着他,怀念着他。就是这一本日记要我谨记 - 幸福和快乐不是必然的,有的时候,要珍惜,无的时候,要争取。好好地过着每一天,要平平安安的,要快快乐乐的,要轻轻松松的。愿每一天都带给自己和别人快乐和欢欣。
dear Heavenly Father,
i pray that You will look after and take good care of him as he has returned to your land in peace, o'Lord. i pray that You will be continuously pouring Your blessings and grace unto him, o'Lord. in Jesus name i pray, Amen.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
野蛮老爷+奶奶 VS 野蛮媳妇
Pat: 无必要,已经有人送佐。要咁多黎做乜喔?我又无煮食,要个煲黎做乜喔?
MIL: 迟早都要用到既啦,咪放住先咯。
Pat: 。。。(老公,救救我啊!!!)我唔想放D我暂时唔需要嘅野喺道。
MIL: 一係咁啦,放住你个边先。一个星期后,就搬返黎。等你有用到嘅时候先般返去。
Pat: 。。。(无反应)
MIL: 就咁啦!(就咁就行开佐。。。)
Pat: (不停地complain, complain, complain, 投诉,投诉,投诉!!!)
MIL: 其实呢个係你老爷嘅意思。我已经同你老爷讲佐你地唔锺意咁样做嘅。但係你老爷係个古老石山嘅人黎架。
Pat: 咁係唔係你地唔送我地碗碟同煲就等于我地搵唔到食啊?!我本人唔信呢D野,亦唔赞同呢个諗法同做法。我唔想一边答应你地买买买,一边就死唔甘愿。我好想同你地讲我口嘅个一句同我心嘅个一句。
MIL: 我都很辛苦架,夹喺你地两个中间。
Pat: 其实唔係话我要数臭老爷,我觉得老爷好唔sincere咯。就算老爷喺道我都係呢一句。点解老爷要买野送我地都要通过你?点解唔直接黎同我地讲?有咁难落台咩?我唔想事情搞到咁复杂。我只係好想好sincere地对你地讲每一句话同做每一件事。
MIL: 我知道你心里面係諗紧D乜嘅。。。
Pat: (咁你点解又会做出D咁嘅野咧,你点解又会讲D咁嘅野咧?!莫非你想我对你大‘吊’咩?)所以咪讲咯。。。唔买就最好。你地已经sponsor佐我地部水机,我地已经好好好开心佐。其他嘅野真係唔需要啦。
MIL: 咁啊,OK咯。。。