Wednesday, January 7, 2009

argh... i've missed the new year post!!

01.01.2009 00:00:00:000 was a fantastic moment - with citrix as my matching companion, workstation as my vogue-st partner, monitor, mouse and keyboard as my honourable guests, served with the world's best cocktail - plain water, partied in the most exclusive venue - the office and spectated from far the most amazing fireworks in town - klcc. what else better could i wish for a new year celebration? i have never expected my 2009 to touch down in such a wonderful arrangement. praise the lord~ hallelujah!

dear god, with all my heart, i'm asking for forgiveness for all the sins that i've committed. i did not do as what i've promised you, when you helped me through the way all this while. i'm asking for your kindness to give me another chance to keep my promise, to be truthfully myself when i'm with you. i will once again hold the cross and bible in my hands as i am always being taught and made to believe that they are my lifetime guard and savour.

god, thank you for giving me a chance to believe in you, to accept you as my lifetime savour, to talk to you and to build a relationship with you. you are now so close to me, as if i could feel and touch you. thank you for the wonders that you have given me, impossibilities that turned into reality that you have proven to me, again and again, whenever i doubt your existence.

god, thank you for sending me the man who i so deeply in love with, who cares and loves me as much as i do. thank you for leading and guiding me through all the good and bad times all this while. thank you for still believing in me and keeping me with you, no matter how sinful i am.

god, i pray to you, with all my heart, that you will give me the greatest strength to go through all the good and bad times in 2009. this year is definitely gonna be a challenging year for me and i believe the challenges are to again and again, to prove to myself that i can do it. yes, i can do it... with you by my side.

you have changed me from a lazy person to a motivated one, from a smoker to a healthy person, from a selfish person to a considerate one, from a hot tempered person to a rational minded one. i can't change without you watching me, without your encouragement and without your love.

2009 will be a new beginning to everything and a better relationship between you and i. god, i do also pray hard for world peace and may all stay healthy, wealthy and happily.

in jesus name i pray, amen.

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