honestly, yesterday was the first day i cleared up my drawer, since 8 November 2008, the day i got married. i'm so ashamed of myself that my drawer was so shitty, exploded with credit card statements, EA forms, souvenirs from those who came back from vacations, greeting cards and... lovely cards from me to my hubby and from him to me.
there i came across this special lovely valentine's day card back in 2007, from me to him.
Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?
With all the little problems that can sometimes fill our day,
it's often the important things we just forget to say.
Like the fact you mean the world to me
and you're loved with all my heart,
for it's true that in my life you play such a very special part.
The trivial things around us are sometimes all we see,
we all that really matters is to have you here with me...
so as we go about out lives, as busy as they are,
it's sharing mine with you that means the most by far.
Dear Darling, Happy Valentine's Day.
I promise you that I'll be good this year.
I Love You.
Love, Patreena.
p/s: i will not forget to say I Love You, each and every day of my life.