Wednesday, December 28, 2011




Saturday, December 24, 2011

好音樂@台灣 - 魚 - 陳綺貞

好音樂@台灣 - 想念 - 林宥嘉



Wednesday, December 21, 2011




這個年尾工作特別的忙。有個 project 要在 2011 年結束之前 roll-out. UAT 做到快要歐!辛好,有驚無險完成了!好多謝一斑好同事,好幫手。換來的,是一句 - Thank you!夠嗎?值得嗎?

這個年尾飯局也特別多。派到滿滿,蜜蜜的。有D還需要向它說抱歉,就唔到時間。唸一唸,大餐由22號吃到28號!之後我真的需要唱番首 DJ KK 的歌 - 喂喂喂喂來減肥,瘦多50磅就 OK!

但是,我蠻開心的。。。起碼不需要在 office 過節!

Monday, December 12, 2011

好音樂@台灣 - 好想對你說 - 蕭敬騰


Sunday, December 11, 2011

10朴香港音樂 - 天與地 - 陈豪,林保怡,黃德斌


Sunday, December 4, 2011


When all that you've tried, leaves nothing but holes inside,
It seems like you're wired, to stay here held in time,
Cuz nothing seems to change, oh no.
No nothing's gonna change, at all.
I can see it in your face, the hope has gone away.

if you hold tight, shadows will be lost in the light.
Oh cuz sometimes, fate and your dreams will collide.
So don't walk away from me,
Don't walk away from me,
Don't walk away from me.

Your feet are stuck, no they cannot move,
Don't tell me that they're glued,
Sure they're far from
At home, at ease but give sometime to breathe

Cuz nothing seems to change, oh no.
No nothing's gonna change, at all.
I can see it in your face, the hope has gone away.

But if we hold tight, shadows will be lost in the light.
Oh cuz sometimes, fate and your dreams will collide.
So don't walk away from me,
Don't walk away from me,
Don't walk away from me.

Oh, 'cuz everything will be okay
I know that it's so easy to say,
But the pain inside will fade,
Please tell me that you'll stay.

If we hold tight, shadows will be lost in the light.
cuz sometimes, fate and your dreams will collide.
When all that you´ve tried leaves nothing but holes inside...


剛剛煲完一套TVB舊劇 - 寫意人生。裏面的秦沛真令人敬佩。他無盡的金句啓發了我許多。無論是處事態度,待事待人,也需要耐心,耐性和一顆真誠的心。





Monday, November 28, 2011


I attended Ed & WeiYee's wedding dinner yesterday night.  I always feel honoured to be invited to wedding dinners and I think that this is the greatest honour for me having a chance to witness such a romantic and warm wedding dinner (I would say I have witnessed a truthful and promising marriage).  It has once again brought me back to the past, when I got wedded to hubby, during the ROM ceremony, when we raised our right hands and promised each another to be truthful, faithful and caring no matter what happens, the commitment that we secured for each another; during the actual day, when he did all the silly things that he would never do in his entire life, when he held my hands in his, once again put on the wedding ring and promised to love me take care of me forever, said 'I Love You' and kissed me on the lips.  Although there were things happened unexpectedly and I felt not so good about it, I still thank God for granting me such a nice man as my husband.

The most special agenda in the dinner was during the second march in, when Ed said his vows, bended down on his knees, proposed and put on the wedding ring once again.  I can feel the happy tears being held back from falling, the emission of mixed feeling - from the moment we started the courtship and relationship, for all the good and bad times we had throughout, for all the quarrels we resolved in between, for all the comments (either good or bad) people gave to encourage and jeopardize us, we have finally worked out a treasured relationship, we are now stepping into another stage of life and I promise to love you more and more each day...  I feel that I am the luckiest among all to have you in my life to share all my ups and downs, to love me unconditionally... Our journey will be a happy ever after...

I think the success of a wedding dinner is to able to make its invitees to feel like getting married again.  This is the most successful wedding dinner, it was done so perfectly that I would like to marry to my husband again and again...  So romantic and touching...  :)

Once again, thank you to Ed &WeiYee for the invitation.

*I will share with you on the gathering with Telelinkers in a separate post.  Stay tuned...*

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Another favourite from Christina Perry, after Arms and Jar of Hearts.


1.  300grams of chicken  (Personally I prefer chicken breast)
2.  1packet of Seri Murni's Kapitan Chicken Paste
3.  2TBS of cooking oil
4.  6pieces of shallot  (chopped)
5.  6pieces of garlic  (chopped)
6.  125ml of water
7.  65ml of C-Milk  (Seri Murni recommends santan.  Personally I prefer C-Milk because it is healthier)
8.  Chopped parsley for garnishing.

1.  Heat up the wok.  When the wok is heated, put in cooking oil.  When the cooking oil is heated, put in the chopped shallot and garlic.
2.  Stir fried the chopped shallot and garlic until golden brown. Put in the Seri Murni Kapitan Chicken Paste.  Stir fried for a while.
3.  When the mixture is heated, put in the chicken and water.  Lower the heat to medium and shimmer for 15 minutes.
4.  While is the gravy is thickening, lower the heat to low and put in the C-Milk and shimmer for another 10 minutes.
5.  Seri Murni's Kapitan Chicken is ready to serve.  Garnish the dish with chopped parsley.


I never believe in myth, I always wanted to be a myth buster.  But not this time...  :)

A close friend of mine had tried to conceive for a few years (like 5 to 7 years) but failed.  Someone told her to keep a piece or two of baby clothing at home, it may help.  My friend did and believe it or not, she conceived and delivered a healthy baby girl recently!

She is always my myth buster; she really surprised me that she did what the someone told her to.  She later clarified that she is still a myth buster (Hahaha~~).  This isn't a myth or not even a thing like that, just that she feels by doing so, it gives her confidence to work harder and keep on trying (Yeah...  The baby clothing are in the wardrobe, awaiting for the baby.  Don't waste the money spent!).

She influenced me, persuaded me to get a piece of baby clothing and put in my wardrobe.  I feel so weird, like an insane, crazy for baby!  I told hubby about this and I'm sure you know what he'll do...  He's crazy over baby girls!!!

We went to Jusco Mid Valley last weekend and bought a piece of white-colour baby jumpsuit.  We dare not to buy girlish-colour clothing; although we hope so much for a baby girl, God always Surprises us, right??!

Hubby was so happy holding the jumpsuit in his hands.  I'm happy too when I see him smiles...


It's getting harder to get a gift for hubby.  It looks like I have bought everything that I intended to get him and he has got everything he wanted.  I was cracking my head, what to buy for this year's Christmas.  Although I can't really remember what I have bought him last year, I hope not to repeat the same gift as previous years.  We have been together only for 8 years, for sure there is something special to buy for him.

We were shopping at The Gardens for my evening dress for my SIL's wedding dinner in January 2012.  He wanted to get a new white shirt, not so casual and not so formal.  His fashion sense and requirements are always challenges to me.  I can never understand what he wants.  'I want a pair of black-colour trousers, but not this black, it's that black'.  Hey, black is a basic colour, it doesn't have 'not this black' and 'that black' kind of thing, for a pair of trousers meant for work!  It's always 'that black'!!!

He tried on a white shirt and he loved it, he said he looks slimmer and smarter in the shirt.  Well, I must say he looked good in the shirt.  Since he loved it so much, I suggested it as his Christmas present.  He agreed and done deal!  That's it!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I wish to...
1.  do housework only once a week, which is on Saturday mornings.
2.  have a nice morning walk in the park and to the market once a week, which is on Sunday mornings.
3.  enjoy crazy shopping spree once a quarter.
4.  get a chance to dine at a place with super nice food or a place with romantic ambiance with hubby once a month, which is on Saturday evenings.
5.  finish reading a book in a month.
6.  sleep at 10.00pm and wake up at 6.00am on every weekday.
7.  watch an episode or two of drama series every day before going to bed.
8.  and many many more...


1. Up to 350ml coffee
2. Wholemeal bread/biscuits; Green/fruit salad
3. Low fat dairy

1. Main course - With green leaves, chicken/fish
2. Fruits

1. Fruit juice; Low fat dairy

1. Main course - With green leaves, chicken/fish
2. Fruits; Fruit juice

Excellent Pregnancy Foods to Supercharge your Prenatal Diet
1. Eggs
2. Broccoli and other dark green leafy vegetables
3. Bananas
4. Salmon and Other Oily Fish
5. Beans and Pulses
6. Dried Apricots
7. Yoghurt
8. Wholemeal bread and other wholemeal products
9. Sweet Potato
10. Strawberries

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I have downloaded Qvod Player recently and started downloading drama series by myself.  Before this, I used to watch drama series via DVDs lent by a friend.  I found it quite troublesome watching DVDs, especially when it comes to the 緊張緊張 parts, ish ish...  Need to change DVD.  *Potong Stim*

I am now downloading 法証先鋒III and 變身男女ChokChokChok.  The process is quite interesting, the speed is quite fast.  I have finished downloading 14 episodes of 法証先鋒III in the first half of the day and I am downloading the 3rd episode of 變身男女ChokChokChok.

I have not watched 法証先鋒III, no comment.  I watch 變身男女ChokChokChok throughout the downloading process, this game show is superb funny!!!  The guest appearance is very interesting and they are superb superb funny!!!  Bravo!!!

If you are interested to watch 變身男女ChokChokChok, get some thrillers from  Nice...


黎明有的是 - 我眼睛想旅行!
我想要的是- 購物!

Friday, October 28, 2011


honey, i dun know why i got the strong feeling, what we did last nite, sure kena this time. hehehe...

Saturday, October 15, 2011

失憶老闆 2.0

my dear friends, if you guys have bosses who have short term memory lost, i can really understand your situation, i have one too...  *sad*

i admit that she's always packed and busy with her 'no-one-knows' schedules.  well, i'm just a small potato in the department, i need not to know what my boss is doing actually.  doesn't matter, it's not the main point.

there's a big project going on recently.  initially the project was started in HQ and i was handling all the proposal and approval papers, quotations and purchase orders and stuff like that.  when the project was about to kick start, appointment of project manager was required.  i have to consult my boss for the appointment, in case i'm the appointed one, i will need to negotiate my relocation to site during the project.  moreover, i'm not the user of site system, i need help from the user during SIT and UAT.

i explained clearly to my boss, what a project manager needs to ensure and do.  she considered for a while and appointed two, the user and i.  well, i think it's inappropriate to have 2 managers in a project, so i said no, it can allow only one.  how can 2 managers work on 1 set of proposal and approval papers, 1 set of quotations and purchase orders, which of us would be the contact point for vendors and partners?  i wonder if my boss knows what i have explained to her and i wonder if she knows the definition of a project manager??!

at last she appointed the user to be the project manager.  i was so relieved that it wasn't me as i have 2 concurrent projects running in HQ.  from that day onwards, i pass all proposal and approval papers to the project manager, explained to her how to go about it, submitting papers to the finance and regional, getting quotations from vendors, introducing her as the project manager to vendors and colleagues in other liaising departments and stuff like that.

as i don't know how the site system works, i volunteer to take charge of the integration part, from the site system to the system in HQ.  happy that the project manager and i have mutual understanding on the arrangement.  and i think i have done more than what i suppose to do.  i attended all pre kick start, kick start, UR and review meetings. imagine, i have never logged in that system, i have never gotten a chance to study how it works, basically i know nothing about that system.  joining them in the meeting is such a challenge to me, learning and catching up from zero and the same time.

guess what...  we left out my boss in our 'mutual understanding'.  she called me last night and scolded me like hell, yeah, like hell, for not submitting the proposal and approval papers to finance on time!  WTF!  this is one of the things that the project manager needs to take care of!  she said i got her wrong, the project manager is to take care only the UAT!  i need to take charge of the things in HQ.  F**K!  who says that??!  i explained to her during the appointment and now what??!  i never heard of a project manager only doing testing!!  i putih-putih kena 吊!

i hate it when she blames me for the fault caused by her short term memory lost!  s**t! this is not the first time, numerous times and i have lost count!  and i know this will keep on repeating as all the projects in hands need consult her for the next stage.  her versions of advice always keep me embarrassed and i feel stupid whenever i deal with other liaising departments, i need to keep on changing my user requirements.  i'm leading the developer team to nowhere as i'm wondering around the bushes, trying to figure out the versions of advice given by my boss.  in the end, i get 'you've got me wrong'!


Friday, October 7, 2011


hubby has got so many nicknames for his drinks.

1. beer = blonde chick
2. bailey's + ice = sexy rabbit
3. ribena + vodka = bloody dracula

to be as creative as him, i created one for my drink.
*choya + ice = old geisha*



hubby is very good in imitating the expression of the angry bird.  so i always call him 'angry bird' and he has got so used to it that he will answer me every time i call him that.

just now he started a conversation that got me burst out laughing loud.

hubby: 老婆啊老婆, 我發覺到一件事... 我覺得我越來越似angry bird  :(
me: 哈哈哈哈哈!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


it's a sunday morning and i suppose to be in bed still.  woke up at 900, got myself washed up and did some cleaning up in the kitchen.  without me noticing, i started humming a song, didn't know what a song it was.  after a while, i realised it was a worship song i heard it on a TV show that i watched yesterday.

i can't describe how amazing the moment when i realised i was singing a worship song in the early morning, the first thing in the morning.  i've never done this before and i never know it could be so so amazing and touching.  Praise the Lord!

logged in FB, tried to catch up the latest news and gossips, especially good news on newborn babies.  there're a lot lately but i never get enough of baby photos  *cute cute*

it wasn't a good news...  a friend was depressed over 'something', i always afraid of asking what is that 'something' that always bothers her.  i think it's not so nice to keep asking her about something that she wanted so much to let go.  everytime, i react passively over her similar posts and comments.

she's a devoted buddhist and i never talk about God and Jesus in front of her.  but this time, i dedicated 2 worship songs to her via FB.  i'm not trying to 傳福音, i've experienced emotional healing through worship songs, i just wanted her to feel safe and secure after listening to the songs.  i hope she'll feel the same that i felt, i hope she'll be healed as i've been healed.  Praise the Lord!

Dear Father,

Thank you for the enlightenment that You bring to me this morning.  Thank you for once again making me realise how beautiful it is to worship you, o'God.  It is amazing that You put all notes and lyrics in my mind, as I never sing a Chinese worship song without lyrics with me.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, o'God for the joy that You give me this morning, in fact, everyday!  Praise the Lord!

Lord, I want to ask for Your blessing to be upon my best friend - Loh Wai Yee, may You fill her heart with comfort, security and words of wisdom.  o'God, she is emotionally depressed, no matter what makes her depressed, o'God, please lay Your healing power upon her, o'God.  I pray, I pray, I pray, o'God, that You set her free from her prison, that You show her ways to the real happiness, that You bless herself and her family to go through the hard days in unity.

I pray, I pray, I pray, in Jesus name, Amen.

Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


after changing the appointment for the third time, finally the day for my gynae checkup has arrived.  my appointment time was set at 1500 but when it came to my turn, it was almost 1630 and the consultation took about 20 mins.

i'm quite comfortable with the doctor and i think i can entrust her to take care of me throughout my pregnancy.  she's a pretty straight-forward doctor, you could name it as commercial.  i think she's experienced enough and knows the best way to handle a first time patient like me, who is doing her the first prenatal checkup.

as expected, some questions on family history, abdominal scan, pap smear and prescription of folic acid were done.  the best thing was her acknowledgement that i'm ready to conceive.  all hubby and i need to do is relax, wait for the pre-ovulation (probably the 12th - 18th day from the last menstruation day) and do the 'activity' on an alternate day to increase the chance of getting the sperm to the ovum.

we've missed this month, gotta work harder the next month.  relax...  relax...

i'm planning for a daily dietary.  share with you once it's out.  before sharing the dietary, let me share with you the way columbia asia charges its patients.

first time patient:
registration: RM5.00 (for first time patient)
consultation: RM120.00
medical supplies: RM3.00 (equipment used for pap smear test)
laboratory: RM48.00 (pap smear test)
equipment charges: RM45.00 (scanner)
pharmacy: RM7.50 (folic acid 5mg x 30 tablets)
total bill: RM228.50

i think the bill should be quite standard for private hospitals.  mummies out there, is it?

Saturday, September 10, 2011


i'm starting to explore into spanish songs.  this is my start of it, nice...  my angel is you.


i've been feeling uncomfortable this lately, basically i've been experiencing symptoms of pregnancy.  after taking an online pregnancy test recommended by a friend, i think i should take a pregnancy test.

it's a negative when i took it this morning.  and i had a mixed feeling - i hope to be pregnant but at the same time i felt relief when it showed a negative result.  haiyo...  what is happening with me-leh?  can't understand...

try harder next month-lah...  努力する!!! 努力する!!! (努力!!! 努力!!!)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


gosh...  i couldn't believe my own eyes when i saw the weighing scale pointed at 50kgs!!!  i am 50kgs now!!!  i used to maintain my weight in between 45kgs and 47 kgs.  what the hell happen to me???

i'm not eating disorderly.  i just sleep a little later than usual, lately...  erm... since i moved in my new home last october  (it's almost a year now, i didn't realise that...).  i don't have special cravings on fattening food, still the original me, i like green vegetables, fish balls and chicken wings!!!  this is not too much, well quite a balance diet, it is...  hahaha~~~

although i didn't mention that i exercise, doesn't mean i'm inactive, right...  i do house works and the calories burnt isn't too much different than exercise, i guess...  well, i hope it is so...  :ppp

gosh...  i need to do something about it.  let's see...  any suggestions, friends?

Monday, August 29, 2011



Sunday, August 28, 2011


at last i've bought the aspire 4755g (red) home.  of course there are appetizers, starters, desserts and beverages.  haha...  i also bought a mouse pad (regretted, my mouse moves nowhere on it, i'm using a coaster instead.  hehe...) and logitech M235 wireless mouse (also a red one.  hehe...).  i'm thinking of a sleeve now  :pp

at the same time, hubby bought his desired upgraded timeline x and a sonic gear HP600 headphone.  he was so happy and it was the first time i saw him putting on his alarm at 5.00am this morning just to switch off the power for his laptop (first time battery charge should be 8 hours and he switched on the power at 9.00pm the day before).  he can do amazing things if he wanted to.  how i wished he could be in this mode forever.  hehehe...

in the end, we both were happy that we got what we wanted.  the next target will be...  (stay tuned)


it is getting to the year end and love is filling the air.  i guess the year end in Malaysia should be known as the season of love.  why am i saying so...?

invitation cards to wedding dinner are piling up on the desk and they are like scheduled in my to-do list, every year without fail. this year is started a little late for me, it started in september, which i have one; october another one; three in november and many many in december.

luckily these invitees are not in the same bunch of friends, if not...  i'd have to have a different appearance in each dinner.  i'm not a party person, i don't have many nice dresses standby at home.  hahahahaha :pp

anyways, i'm wishing all couples - have a blessed wedding, may you both live happily ever after. 

seldom i wish the newly wedded - 年生貴子, happiness is the most important thing in our everyday living.  baby comes later when you both are really ready for its arrival.  so, good luck...

Friday, August 26, 2011




i am buying this model...  i am buying this model...  i am buying this model!!!

tomorrow is a holiday for hubby and i.  we have a list of to-do things and one of them is going to low yat plaza to buy our laptops.  yay yay hooray!!!

i am now thinking to get a wireless mouse, a nice mouse pad, a keyboard protector, a screen filter film, a 16GB thumb drive and lots more...

*happy happy*

Thursday, August 25, 2011


a mandom, handsome, sophisticated and passionate spanish singer.
to know him more / catch up his latest news, visit

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


i always love indonesian bands.  ungu is the second band i listen to after the famous peterpan.  there are too many beautiful music out there, guys...  catch up these nice malay songs too.




i just love her, love her songs, vocal, expressions, attitudes towards music and ideology... 
her everything!!!


her first song that i listen to is jar of hearts.  touched by her powerful and beautiful vocal.  after spending some time into the song, i'm liking it more and more...  an impressive singer, she is...

recently she has another song on air, arms.  nice one!


i am thinking of samsung galaxy SII for quite some time, i guess should be for a few months already.  recently my sony ericsson is giving me a lot of problems, although it has not passed 24 months service /:pp

i am in the midst of comparing call plans and packages among the service providers.  it's actually quite hard to decide which offers the best rate and price range.  since i cannot decide anything now, better to let it go at the moment while waiting for my sony ericsson to die off.  hahaha...

i will bring you home, samsung galaxy SII.  wait for me ya...

product specifications:
  • general:  GSM859/900/1800/1900
  • announced / status:  february 2011 / available, released april 2011
  • operating system:  android OS, v2.3 (gingerbread)
  • size: 
    • (d) 125.3x66.1x8.5mm
    • (w) 116g
    • (extra) 480x800pixels, 4.3 inches, gorlla glass display
  • battery:  standard battery, li-ion 1650 mAh, (standby) up to 710 h (2G)/up to 610 h (3G), (talk time) up to 18h20min (2G)/up to 8h40min (3G)
  • type:  super AMOLED+ capacitive touchscreen, touch Wiz UI v.4.0, 16M colours
  • display:  multi-touch input method, accelerometer sensor for UI auto-rotate, touch-sensitive controls, proximity sensor for auto turn-off, gyroscope sensor
  • alert types:  vibration, MP3, WAV ringtones
  • sound:  loudspeaker, 3.5mm jack
  • messages:  sms (threaded view), mms, email, push mail, IM, rss
  • memory:  (temporarily) 16GB storage, 1GB RAM
  • data:  wi-fi, bluetooth, USB
  • camera:  8 MP, 3264x2448 pixels, autofocus, LED flash, geo-tagging, touch focus, face and smile detection, image stabilization, video-mailto:video-1080pixels@30fps
  • radio:  stereo FM radio with rds
  • colour:  black

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


hubby and i had a nice dinner with X-PACS at Watami, Pavilion.  nice food at a slight higher price but worthy.  food tasted so fine and good...  ambiance is so comfortable and warm...  service is so prompt and friendly...  2 thumbs up!!!

hubby had a bibimbap, scallop croquette and miso soup while i had beef udon.  nice nice nice~~~yummy!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


hubby and i have spent a few hours at low yat plaza, scouting for his laptop.  he always wanted to buy an acer timeline x.  i thought of getting myself a laptop too this year (a reward for my hard work in 2011.  haha  >.<).  well, acer timeline x is not bad, in fact, a very good bargain at its price.  but the specs are too much for my usage at home.  all i need is just a laptop for me to go online, update blog, kepoh on FB and stuff like that, nothing hi-tech...  the most, should be download online movies and drama series.

i eyed on another model in the aspire series and found this - acer aspire 4755g, cheaper, lower specs (not too much) and trendy.  nice...  i plan to get myself one, maybe i will buy it before 2011 ends (an advance reward.  haha  >.<).  i like it very much...  :)

the raya promotion is on - local warranty extended from 1 year to 3 years, 12 months 0% installment (HSBC, RHB, AmBank and PBB), free anti-virus and 7 free gifts.  jom beli!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011



Friday, August 19, 2011


just put on the upper braces last saturday.  the whole procedure finished in 90 minutes.  it didn't feel bad, not painful and i'd categorised it as 'smooth', 'nothing complicated' as commented by the dentist.

i really thank God that He answered my prayers.  i felt good on saturday, happily fetched my friends from HK and headed to my in-law's place for Hungry Ghost Festival's dinner.  i almost have eaten all food on served on the dining table with no hesitation.  so relieved that i didn't experience anything that my friend and my MIL mentioned.

gosh...  post symptoms stroke me hard on monday morning.  i was on fever and severe headache as i couldn't sleep well at night before.  the pain was exactly like migraine, pounding rhythmically! 

anyway, deep down, i still thank God that He had protected me since saturday and enabled me to have a nice seafood dinner @ klang on sunday before letting me suffered.  it is still good to me, knowing that every patient has to go through the suffer; at least, i have eaten good before that.  hahahahaha~~~  be grateful over everything and mustn't complain on what is gifted and taken away.  everything happens for a good reason.

one week passed and i feel a lot better now.  although eating solid food is still a restriction, the pain is no longer bothering me.  there's a little interesting 'discomfort' that i'd like to share with you, i can't pronounce S clearly, 会流风.  hahahahaha~~~

i'm not gonna let you see my teeth until i have put up the lower braces.  although it isn't nice either way, i still it'll be better to let you see the end product.  hahahahaha~~~


My first experience with Boots was back in 2009 during my trip to Bangkok with my sister and a close friend.  My sister recommended me Boots because of its price and quality.  And I bought the first tube of its body scrub - Lavender & Lilac.

Boots Lavender & Lilac Body Scrub is formulated for hydrating and soothing.  Besides that, I find it very refreshing.  I am not into aromatheraphy and I quite dislike the smell of lavendar and yet I find the smell is so natural and not too pungent.

I had just returned from Hat Yai last July and this time I bought Boots Strawberry & Yogurt Body Scrub.  It is formulated for moisturising and clarifying.  I like its fruity and creamy smell and this suits me better.

The exfoliator agent for Boots Body Scrub is coarser compared to other exfoliators in the market.  I find the texture is more helpful in removing dead cells but it will tend to irritate skin easier, especially dry skin type.  Consider putting on body lotion after scrub.  I think it will clear your worries, if you have dry skin type.

*You may browse for Boots Body Lotion at

2009年,我與姐姐和一個密友的曼谷之行,令我認識到Boots這個品牌。我姐姐向我推薦Boots,因為它的價格和品質。而我買下的第一枝Boots的身體磨砂液 - 薰衣草&紫丁香。

Boots Lavender & Lilac Body Scrub是制定於保濕和舒緩作用。除此之外,我覺得它給我的感覺很清爽。我對於芳香療法沒太大的興趣,我也不太喜歡薰衣草的氣味,但我覺得這身磨砂液的氣味還滿自然,不太刺鼻。

我剛從合艾回馬,這一次我買了Boots的草莓&酸奶身體磨砂液。Boots Strawberry & Yogurt Body Scrub是制定於保濕和澄清。我喜歡它的果味和奶油味,覺得這個比較適合我。




Caught this song on air and it brought me so much memories of the past, how I used to love so endlessly although knowing there would be no future awaiting ahead.

On air 聽到這首歌,它帶給我很多很多的回憶,當初我是如何愛不釋手,明知這段戀情是沒結果的,依然繼續地愛下去。
Watching every motion in my foolish lover's game
On this endless ocean finally lovers know no shame
Turning and returning to some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say

Take my breath away, Take my breath away

Watching I keep waiting still anticipating love
Never hesitating to become the fated ones
Turning and returning to some secret place to hide
Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say

Take my breath away

Through the hourglass I saw you, in time you slipped away
When the mirror crashed I called you, and turned to hear you say
If only for today I am unafraid

Take my breath away, Take my breath away

Watching every motion in my foolish lover's game
Haunted by the notion somewhere there's a love in flames
Turning and returning to some secret place inside
Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say

Take my breath away, My Love, Take my breath away


Take my breath away, Take my breath away


My Love, Take my breath away


Take my breath away, Take my breath away


My Love, Take my breath away. My Love, Take my breath away. My Love, Take my breath away. My Love, Take my breath away...


Ingredient A (材料A):
4 pieces AA size egg (4粒AA雞蛋)
1 tbsp fine sugar (1湯匙細砂糖)

Ingredient B (材料B):
5 slices of bread - cubed (5片白麵包 - 切丁)

Ingredient C (材料C):
1 tbsp olive oil (1湯匙橄欖油)

1. Whisk Ingredient A in a deep plate.
2. Put the bread in the mixture. Ensure the each cube is well dipped in the mixture.
3. Heat up a fry pan on high heat.
4. When the fry pan is heated up, put in olive oil (still on high heat).
5. Turn the heat from high to medium, put in the bread in the fry pan, piece by piece (Approximately 15 cubes each time).
6. Turn the bread promptly to avoid burnt.
7. When the bread turned golden yellowish on both sides, take up the bread and place it on a plate with kitchen towel lining to absorb excessive oil.
8. When all the bread are taken up, clean the fry pan with a kitchen towel and repeat step 4 to 8.

1. 拂材料A (請用深盤)。
2. 將麵包放進材料A的混合。請注意-每丁麵包需均勻地蘸上材料A的混合。
3. 用高溫,把煎鍋加熱。
4. 煎鍋加熱後,把橄欖油放進煎鍋(仍高溫)。
5. 開啟從高溫到中等,把麵包放進煎鍋,一塊一塊地放(每次約15塊)。
6. 迅速地反麵包以避免焦。
7. 當麵包兩面變金黃色,把麵包夾起,放在已襯上廚房紙巾的盤子上,以吸收過多的油。
8. 當所有的麵包已夾起,用廚房紙巾清潔煎鍋,然後重複步驟4至8。

me 薛凯琪

at first i thought she is another young female singer in HK, who does not know how she got there, does not know what she has to do on stage, does not know what music really is and all the does not knows, which i think most of the young celebrities in HK do not know.

her first song that gotten my attention is 886, a dance music aka 跳舞曲. not bad, quite interesting, although she does not really dance good. at least she sings well, she knows music well and the most importantly is she knows that she is a singer, who sings and not overdoing other than music.

the record was published in 2005 and has only 7 new songs, with an extra DVD (加州红903). nice packaging using recycled paper, a very long thank you list (some who she thanked - 森美, 小议, 方大同, 陈奕迅, 王婉芝, 黄伟文, 林夕and many more...).

the song that i like the most - 你在哪里.

i think you have have heard of this instead of the one that i recommended.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


gonna put on braces today.

God, i pray for Your presence thoughout the procedure, praying for Your healing power to take away all the pains and help me recover fast. in Jesus name, Amen!


got to know kelly & sum during our vacation in phuket in 2010. they thought they made a mistake when they knew that we could speak in the same language that they were speaking. yeah... it was quite hard to find someone who can speak cantonese in thailand :p

and we became friends, enjoyed some time together in phuket and keep in touch via FB. we introduced them cuti-cuti malaysia - redang island and they seemed very interested as they love beaches and seasides. after some time talking about this, they finally booked their flight ticket to malaysia and arriving today @ KLIA, 12.45.

so happy to meet them again, this time in malaysia. i'm waiting for you, kelly & sum! welcome to malaysia!!


thanks for the message, BB. happy and relieved to know that you have given birth to a beautiful & healthy baby boy. congrats congrats!!! so happy for you and your hubby!!!

you should need a good rest now so that you can take good care of your baby boy. we shall meet up on your baby's full moon.

take care and see ya...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


heard from BB that Con Con has been admitted for labour. so worry about her.

hopefully she is safe and sound, hope to see her and the baby soon.

Con Con - 加油!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011








Friday, July 22, 2011


Skies are crying, I am watching, Catching teardrops in my hands.

Only silence, as it's ending, Like we never had a chance.

Do you have to make me feel like there's nothing left of me?

You can take everything I have, You can break everything I am,

Like I'm made of glass, Like I'm made of paper.

Go on and try to tear me down. I will be rising from the ground,

Like a skyscraper, Like a skyscraper.

As the smoke clears, I awaken, And untangle you from me.

Would it make you feel better, To watch me, while I bleed?

All my windows still are broken, But I'm standing on my feet

You can take everything I have, You can break everything I am,

Like I'm made of glass, Like I'm made of paper.

Go on and try to tear me down. I will be rising from the ground,

Like a skyscraper, Like a skyscraper.

Go run, run, run. I'm gonna stay right here, Watch you disappear. Yeah, ohh.

Go run, run, run. Yeah, it's a long way down,

But I am closer to the clouds, Up here.

You can take everything I have, You can break everything I am,

Like I'm made of glass, Like I'm made of paper.

Ohhh... Go on and try to tear me down. I will be rising from the ground,

Like a skyscraper, Like a skyscraper.

Like a skyscraper, Like a skyscraper.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


看完整整52段林宥嘉的星光全记录之后,我还是最爱着一段. 虽然这场表演不是最高分的一场,虽然表演水平还不能胜过'你是我的眼',但... 感情铺排得很好,很感人,有一种直唱进心里的感觉.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

我和燕姿的第一次邂逅 - 很好






Sunday, July 17, 2011


no matter with mummy esther who is busy with her two lovely monkeys,

no matter with mummy-to-be beverly who is waiting for her anytime baby boy anxiously,

no matter with another mummy-to-be connie who is preparing for her baby boy in mid august,

no matter with ling nee who is trying to make a baby (babies),

and no matter with myself who is planning for a baby this year end,

ladies ladies sekalian, add oil add oil add oil (加油,加油,加油)!!!

so happy to see you gals this evening. thanks for the sharing on pregnancy and babies and tricks to handle monkeys. hahahahaha...

see you gals again when we go visit BB after her labour. i'm also waiting anxiously :)


hope that you like the surprise birthday party. hubby, sorry for the lie that i kept for almost a month and sorry about the lee kum kee light soy sauce. hahaha...

happy birthday, hubby. stay healthy and handsome!!

Friday, July 15, 2011


撞進了冰山 捲上了急灣 一秒從未想折返

就望到了 就能望到了 終會踏足這峽灣

劃破了風衣 丟了救生衣 未曾想過會倖免

若生於某個 總擠不進我地點 註定遠征一遍

這發熱汗腺 也都乾透了 雙腿卻繼續狂放 在衝出那人浪

幾次被埋葬 窄巷中 復活過幾趟 留一口氣講

再失敗 至懂看透 那不甘 去為我來營救 向著太陽狂走

撞進了冰山 捲上了急灣 一秒從未想折返

就望到了 就能望到了 終會踏足這峽灣

劃破了風衣 丟了救生衣 未曾想過會倖免

逆光中進發 不甘安置到盲點

上路去再實踐 板塊移動了 亂世中絕地裡反抗 誰躲於暗光

直到失敗 至懂看透 讓那不甘 去為我來營救 向著太陽狂走

撞進了冰山 捲上了急灣 一秒從未想折返

就望到了 就能望到了 終會踏足這峽灣

劃破了風衣 丟了救生衣 成全這最美歷險

逆光中進發 不甘安置到盲點 上路去再實踐

撞碎了冰山 衝過了急灣 登上完夢的峽灣

望到了 望到了 白雲搭上一片藍

記載了凶險 傷勢也不淺 腳踏這裡這一天

歷史中結算 一心走出錯地點 幹下遠征一遍

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


寂寞流星群 is a song made popular by Sandy Lin. Undeniable, Sandy Lin sings this song perfectly, no matter back then or current. I think Hin's version worth equally much attention as he sings this song perfectly too, in his way.

Guys... Enjoy the concert version!

Monday, July 11, 2011

COOKING DAY @ 10.07.2011

me in my new apron

stewed chicken with potato in soya sauce

fried 'sawi' in oyster sauce

ROUND 2 @ 11.07.2011

had my other 2 teeth extraction today. this time is more painful than the last time as the wounds are deeper. dr. said this could last for a week. 忍忍忍忍忍...

upper brace is scheduled on 13 august. the whole process takes about 2 hours, gosh... very tired with my mouth opened for 2 hours :ppp

Sunday, July 10, 2011

BERSIH 2.0 大集会

There was a scheduled and planned peace walk for democracy (BERSIH Rally) on 9 July 2011, from 2pm to 4 pm, at numerous assembly spots and eventually united in Jalan Pudu. The main reasons for the BERSIH rally are:

1. Clean the electoral roll

2. Reform postal ballot

3. Use of indelible ink

4. Minimum 21 days campaign period

5. Free and fair access to media

6. Strengthen public institutions

7. Stop corruption

8. Stop dirty politics

Well, these are too complicated for me to understand and I don't have much interested to join the rally actually. Although I didn't join the rally, I did give all protesters my 100% attention, salutation and respect for their efforts to fight on behalf of the Rakyat, who think that they have been treated unfairly all the while. It is so undeniable that the rally was a great success, it brought the Rakyat together as one and united, no matter where they were (FYI, the rally was kicked off almost concurrently in Melbourne, NYC, London, HK, Singapore, Taiwan, Turkey and many more countries).

The most that I watched on YouTube besides the situation of the rally was the police force. Personally, I think they were no better than samseng who fight by the roadside! When they couldn't control the crowd, they chose to beat up the Rakyat! Is this what they learn in cadet school for crisis handling?

I just hate the police force! I still remember my very bad experience with the traffic police. The incident happened a few years back, during the riot for Anwar Ibrahim in front of the Hang Tuah Monorial Station. Protesters were in red, assembled to fight for justice for Anwar Ibrahim (I couldn't remember what happened to him. From the way I tell you my story, you can read that I am not into politics!).

So coincidence, Prudential Asia was having an event and staff were required to wear RED shirts (FYI, Red is Prudential!). After work, I was driving and heading to the monorail station to drop off my colleague. The truck in front me headed to the same direction and drove into Jalan Hang Tuah. Who would actually read the news before leaving office and who would then know there was a riot going on? Definitely, I was one of those who cared! I followed the truck in front of me and intended to go into Jalan Hang Tuah. The traffic police on duty stopped my car and started scolding at me. I didn't wind down the window and I couldn't hear a word from him. All I knew was he was scolding like hell at me! When I showed no reaction and intended to drive into the road (Hey, come on... I was already in the middle of the road, already more than half the way to reach the road, of course I would choose to continue going into it!), he kicked the back of my car and continued scolding! WTF???!!! Is this what a police should behave? When he couldn't control me, he chose a brutal way to show his power! His behaviour is nothing better than a samseng! Just because I was too scared to speak up and fight for my right as the Rakyat, I chose to be silent...

I don't think there is any improvements after all, I am still seeing the same way of handling the Rakyat when they can't control them. After so many years... they are still the same. My silence has made them think they are so empowered to do anything they like and they can't be challenged! I am so regretting my cowardliness...

Hidup Hidup, Hidup Rakyat! Thanks to Bersih, you made me awaken and encouraged me to stand up for my rights as the Rakyat!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

just noticed that my writing is getting lesser compared to the years before.

why is it so? i think...

1. inspirations are exhausting as i have cut down on reading cecelia ahern.

2. reality is very much impacting my life in 2011.

3. more time spent on TV and housekeeping.

4. i am getting lazier.

5. i am making up more excuses.

*singing the smurf song*

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...



今天一起床感觉都是恢恢的, 心依然挂着那件事, 无法忘记.

天意弄人, 这句子, 真得很啊...

在等着要做一个好daddy的他, 已立誓要给太太永恒的幸福的他, 已承诺要建立一个温暖的家的他, 无助之下, 被逼放弃所有. 天啊... 你好残忍啊...

生命原本就是脆弱的, 要走的, 怎样也不能留. 我想我也需要时间来接受一切, 何况是他身边的最亲.

朋友们, 珍惜眼前人... 千万别留遗憾...

Thursday, June 30, 2011






Tuesday, June 28, 2011


while on our way back home today...

Pat: that day i asked dr about dental and pregnancy. i'm a little worry to be pregnant while i need to maintain the braces. i asked dr about my diet every time after braces maintenance, in case i can't take in anything solid.

Hubby: what did the dr say?

Pat: nothing, he couldn't answer me. but he said braces and maintenance won't affect pregnancy. i can always take in liquid supplements on the first few days after braces maintenance.

Hubby: hmm... tonight i'll be going out for dinner with my boss. it's his birthday today. don't worry, there are food and lots of drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. hehe...

Pat: then will you smoke?

Hubby: i don't think so... i think it's still okay. he'll have his kaki to smoke.

Pat: we are not too far away from our bb plan. please don't smoke-lah. no good for everyone in the family.

Hubby: okay... actually i'm quite excited while waiting for the it to come true.

Pat: yeah, me too...

ROUND 1 @ 25.06.2011

had 2 of my teeth extracted. thanks god, the pain is bearable, not quite a pain actually. the whole process took less than 30 minutes and it went very well. something funny happened that i wanna share with all of you, especially those (including myself) who damn freaky with dentist.

Dr: hi, today is extraction day-hor...
Pat: (damn nervous) it's gonna be alright, right, dr? i'm so nervous now. i can even feel the pain now.
Dr: it's gonna be alright, you won't feel the pain, don't worry... come have a sit.
Pat: (sweating) ...
Dr: okay, let me inject ubat bius-har... a little pain only... don't worry...
Pat: (har... so fast got pain-liao) ...
Dr: see... i told you, a little pain only...
Pat: (eik... not that painful-wo) yeah... just a little only...
Dr: you wait for a while. wait till the ubat bius takes effect, then you won't feel anything-liao.
... about 30 minutes past ...
Dr: okay, can already. we start now, okay...
Pat: (die) oh...
Dr: if pain, you tell me-ar.
Pat: wait a min, dr. how can i tell you that i feel pain-wo?
Dr: ya-hor... erm... u squeeze the arm rest-lah.
Pat: har... by that time, you should be focusing on the extraction-wo, where got time to see me squeezing the arm rest-wo?
Dr: hahahahaha... relax, u think too much-liao. open your mouth now...
Pat: (open my mouth but due to my super nervousness, i can't open my mouth wide) ah...
Dr: open some more, i can't see which to extract. later i extract the wrong one, die...
Pat: hahahahaha... ah...
Dr: gao dim!

this dr is superb duberb. no pain before, during and after the extraction. i feel so good and not afraid to go for the second extraction scheduled on 9 july.

i have taken some photos on the extracted teeth. show you all all together after the second extraction, okay...

Saturday, June 25, 2011


he is always been an outgoing and funny guy although i have not known him for long, definitely lesser than a year. he is a colleague of mine but we never talked to each other till he knew that i could be one of this HR (hisap rokok) member. we always had adhoc/urgent meetings at the staircase with the warning 'Dilarang Merokok'. that was basically where we started talking and know each other better.

out of surprise, i received his wedding dinner invitation dated 20 may 2011 @ the one club. it was an honour for me to be there and without hesitation, i confirmed my attendance. the night was fun with photo shootings and laughter and good food!

out of surprise 2, not long after he got back from his marriage leave, he tendered his resignation to be united with his wife in australia, permanently. oh, this is kinda a special farewell, a goodbye that parted us by country and meeting up will not gonna be as easy as a call out for mamak session @ night!

failing to say goodbye just like that, carmen and i have decided to treat him a big nice dinner buffet at jogoya (although at our choice and not his. hehehehehe :pp). whenever with him around, laughter seems to be a must. we laughed the night out with our darn full tummies. hahaha~~~ it was fun... i'm gonna miss this moment very much.

not forgetting his preference to be caught in photos, we have taken some for remembrance. let's see how soon he will get the photos uploaded on FB :pp

ooi PC (personal computer :pp), i'm gonna miss the time we spent in the meetings and the laughter and opinions that we've shared. take good care of yourself and your wifey as well. hope to see you around when you are back in town or i have the chance to fly there.

you'll be dearly missed... goodbye...