Sunday, September 18, 2011


it's a sunday morning and i suppose to be in bed still.  woke up at 900, got myself washed up and did some cleaning up in the kitchen.  without me noticing, i started humming a song, didn't know what a song it was.  after a while, i realised it was a worship song i heard it on a TV show that i watched yesterday.

i can't describe how amazing the moment when i realised i was singing a worship song in the early morning, the first thing in the morning.  i've never done this before and i never know it could be so so amazing and touching.  Praise the Lord!

logged in FB, tried to catch up the latest news and gossips, especially good news on newborn babies.  there're a lot lately but i never get enough of baby photos  *cute cute*

it wasn't a good news...  a friend was depressed over 'something', i always afraid of asking what is that 'something' that always bothers her.  i think it's not so nice to keep asking her about something that she wanted so much to let go.  everytime, i react passively over her similar posts and comments.

she's a devoted buddhist and i never talk about God and Jesus in front of her.  but this time, i dedicated 2 worship songs to her via FB.  i'm not trying to 傳福音, i've experienced emotional healing through worship songs, i just wanted her to feel safe and secure after listening to the songs.  i hope she'll feel the same that i felt, i hope she'll be healed as i've been healed.  Praise the Lord!

Dear Father,

Thank you for the enlightenment that You bring to me this morning.  Thank you for once again making me realise how beautiful it is to worship you, o'God.  It is amazing that You put all notes and lyrics in my mind, as I never sing a Chinese worship song without lyrics with me.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, o'God for the joy that You give me this morning, in fact, everyday!  Praise the Lord!

Lord, I want to ask for Your blessing to be upon my best friend - Loh Wai Yee, may You fill her heart with comfort, security and words of wisdom.  o'God, she is emotionally depressed, no matter what makes her depressed, o'God, please lay Your healing power upon her, o'God.  I pray, I pray, I pray, o'God, that You set her free from her prison, that You show her ways to the real happiness, that You bless herself and her family to go through the hard days in unity.

I pray, I pray, I pray, in Jesus name, Amen.

Praise the Lord!

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