Friday, July 4, 2014


I have been hoping so much to be back to a life of blogger. I miss those days when I wrote almost everyday, wrote about almost everything that I saw and experienced, wrote about every incident that happened on me and so on... Indeed, the most valueable topic that I missed out in the entire 2012 was my pregnancy journey and 2013 was my rocking days coping with my newborn, breastfeeding, her growth, her development...

It has been 19 months since my last update and that marks the age of my beautiful daughter, who is coming to 19 months old this coming 14th. Motherhood is never easy, what makes it more difficult - stressful days in working life. Hallelujah, I survived it! Praise the Lord!

I have been reminding myself all the while, to give thanks everyday, to at least one thing that happens to me, be it good or bad. Today's thanksgiving would definitely go to the bunch of ex-colleagues that made their precious time for the dinner cum gathering. I cherish every moment spent as we do not get to gather as and when we like to. We used to gather once or twice a year during Chinese New Year or Christmas and once a while we planned for a short getaway trip. I miss the happy times we had in our Hatyai trip. For that, we have decided to meet up more frequently and we have just set up a mission to plan for a short getawat trip again, within this year, maybe to Port Dickson. Yay!

Guess what... My daughter was still awake when I got home at 10pm+. Her usual sleep time is around 9pm to 930pm. She needs me to sleep. Hmmm... *sweet*

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