Sunday, May 20, 2012


Yup, a birthday treat for myself is a new haircut!

Have been arranging a new haircut for weeks!  Gosh...  Imagine the powerful morning sickness that caused my schedule turned upside down!

This is a new try at a new hair salon in PJ by a new hair stylist.  He is a detailed stylist, informative, hands-on but slow in action.  Hahaha...

Can't be blaming him, he's the only senior stylist in the hair salon and every walk-in was looking for him.  Mine took about an hour in total while Wendy's took about 5 1/2 hrs, only hair cut, colour and treatment.  I've fallen asleep for a few times...  Geng!!!

I am quite satisfied with the new style.  His professionalism only charged at RM78 - reasonable...

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