Tuesday, June 28, 2011


while on our way back home today...

Pat: that day i asked dr about dental and pregnancy. i'm a little worry to be pregnant while i need to maintain the braces. i asked dr about my diet every time after braces maintenance, in case i can't take in anything solid.

Hubby: what did the dr say?

Pat: nothing, he couldn't answer me. but he said braces and maintenance won't affect pregnancy. i can always take in liquid supplements on the first few days after braces maintenance.

Hubby: hmm... tonight i'll be going out for dinner with my boss. it's his birthday today. don't worry, there are food and lots of drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. hehe...

Pat: then will you smoke?

Hubby: i don't think so... i think it's still okay. he'll have his kaki to smoke.

Pat: we are not too far away from our bb plan. please don't smoke-lah. no good for everyone in the family.

Hubby: okay... actually i'm quite excited while waiting for the it to come true.

Pat: yeah, me too...


~B.3.V.3.R.L.Y~ said...

Kam, all the best in your BB Big Plan!!! We're looking forward to hear good news from you ya!!

Sandmac Ling said...

Wah so sweet ... :P