i am waiting patiently for dinner @ 7.00pm @ my parents' place. a time to meet up with Jenny, JC & his complicated gf, Wendy & of course both my parents. i really miss my mum's cooking - fried meehoon & chicken porridge for dinner and the promised grilled chicken wings, cola & roasted pork. yummy...
i am waiting patiently for 饮茶 tonight. have missed the chance on friday, hope to catch up with Beng & James. although it is not confirmed yet, i am positive over it!
i am waiting patiently for monday to come. gonna spend my lunch time in KLCC, to check out some items in our shopping lists - a top from Seed in Carmen's list and a nice dress that i saw yesterday. gonna try out KFC's snack pack, heard it tastes good... gonna rush back home to take our luggage & passports and head to Sg Long to meet up with Kiat & Daryl for dinner.
i am waiting patiently for the National Day. not because of the celebration but it's time for our long planned vacation to Phuket. leaving for Phuket @ 12.00pm, yeah!
i am waiting patiently for the end of the vacation. there'll be a nice dinner awaiting us - a farewell dinner @ my parents' place, made specially for JC. after the wonderful dinner, we will be going for our first thorough medical checkup in tropicana medical centre. on top of that, we are going to break the news to those who have not got to know the good news yet. then we will have no secret to keep... 舒服多了...!
i am waiting patiently for the karaoke session, i wanna do some shout outs!!!
but now... i have to wait patiently for my hubby to be back from work and send me out of here to start the excitements!