i had to work today... although it was be a half day work, i was so unwilling to sacrifice my first saturday to my work. no matter how unwilling i was, i was there from 9.00am to 1.00pm.
went for a quick mani & pedi @ avenue k after work and headed to carmen's home. we tried so hard to arrange for a dinner with the telelinkers. from before cny to during cny and to almost after cny. at last we had it tonight. happily filled up our stomachs, happily getting angpows from me, happily giving out angpows and happily headed back home.
just finished bathing and started to get tired. my eyelids are dropping and yet not feeling like going to bed now. my saturday will be gone once i close my eyes. oh no... i'm being too appreciative for saturdays : x
the whole week was so sucked up and i'm darn tired!!! the more i feel the tiredness, the more i want to give up my job. the more i feel the frustration, the more i want to release in a hard way.
nothing in my mind now except beer and cigis. if i could, i'd have taken in a dozen cans of beer and blown out dozens sticks of cigis. 5% of alcohol * 12 cans ; 20mg nic * n cigis ---> the equations chase me away. thanks god for reminding me in that way. he knows i hate maths. hahaha...
what can i do now to spend my sat cum sun (it's midnight now...)? planning for future? can't even see the road down the hill. better not to think of the future now.
the only choice left - flashing back the memories... that reminds me of the 'raw' me when i was in teen age. who was i? a member of 'chung fung dui' & disobedient girl who smoked as early as 14, in love as early as 15, drank as early as 16, slept out from home as early as 17, started college later than everyone, started working earlier than everyone (i wasn't a drop out, i just studied lesser than everyone did. hahaha...). an outstanding girl who loved trying out new things - hairstyles, fashions, tattoos, body piercings. a motivated girl who was so into everything she did. a brave and strong girl who could carry everything on her shoulders.
as time goes by... i've become an obedient lady to everyone and in everything i do (thanks mum for the naggings... oops... advices. hehehe...). a healthy girl who is now free from alcohol and cigi. an ordinary married lady, working in an office from 8.30am to x.xxpm, living with the in-law, having dinners with friends once in a while, going out for movies with hubby once in a blue moon due to hectic schedules, having nothing better to do than blogging and playing computer games to spend time away. a demotivated and coward lady, scares of getting promoted at work, escapes from taking up new things and challenges, hopes to go through everyday smoothly without having to step on whatever shit the boss consistently prepares, likes only t-shirts with jeans in black, white & blue. a dependant lady, hoping that hubby will be a 365-7-24 companion and settles everything on behalf.
yes, days were so much happier when i was a disobedient girl but the lesson was too serious to learn. hallelujah, praise the lord for giving me a chance to experience it and become what i've become.
on the other han, i really hope that i could be back to 'those were the days' - to find the passionate & original me.
对这个世界如果你有太多的抱怨跌倒了就不敢继续往前走为什么人要这么的脆弱堕落请你打开电视看看多少人为生命在努力勇敢的走下去我们是不是该知足珍惜一切就算没有拥有还记得你说家是唯一的城堡随着稻香河流继续奔跑微微笑小时候的梦我知道不要哭让萤火虫带着你逃跑乡间的歌谣永远的依靠回家吧回到最初的美好不要这么容易就想放弃就像我说的追不到的梦想换个梦不就得了为自己的人生鲜艳上色先把爱涂上喜欢的颜色笑一个吧功成名就不是目的让自己快乐快乐这才叫做意义童年的纸飞机现在终于飞回我手里所谓的那快乐赤脚在田里追蜻蜓追到累了偷摘水果被蜜蜂给叮到怕了谁在偷笑呢我靠着稻草人吹着风唱着歌睡着了哦哦午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆哦哦阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎珍惜一切就算没有拥有还记得你说家是唯一的城堡随着稻香河流继续奔跑微微笑小时候的梦我知道不要哭让萤火虫带着你逃跑乡间的歌谣永远的依靠回家吧回到最初的美好还记得你说家是唯一的城堡随着稻香河流继续奔跑微微笑小时候的梦我知道不要哭让萤火虫带着你逃跑乡间的歌谣永远的依靠回家吧回到最初的美好.最单纯的音乐稻香稻香 by 周杰伦